However, if the emperor becomes ineligible, or is annexed so his/her nation ceases to exist, a new emperor will be elected. For every Free Imperial City, the amount of Imperial Authority is increased by +0.005 monthly, and the Emperor also receives +2 annually for each city. This is not needed if Proclaim Erbkaisertum has been passed. Aggressive expansion (simply abbreviated AE) is a game mechanic simulating the negative diplomatic impact of your warmongering actions. Hesse, the Palatinate, or Brunswick also seem like they could work. They need to be 200 dev maximum, for sure. If there are no electors in the empire, hereditary rule is instituted. The Catholic League will begin with the current Emperor at the head, any subsequently elected emperor will automatically assume leadership of the Catholic league, even if they had previously been neutral or part of the Protestant League. This post may contain affiliate links. How long does claim throne CB last eu4? Within the interface are a number of shields of various sizes representing members of the HRE. Will try this next time i go to war, but i dont want too much ae. If there are fewer than seven electors in the Empire, the Emperor can appoint a new Elector in the diplomacy screen to any independent nation inside the Empire. If the Empire is strong enough, they can usually take most (if not all) large Eurasian nations, even without any allies (providing the vassal swarm is large enough). Double-click on the new shortcut and a command window will open. Europa Universalis 1.30 update and Emperor DLC is going to arrive soon! in the event, The Emperor of the HRE selected the option 'The Emperor must decide. Once passed, if a new vassal is engaged in war, as the vassal overlord the emperor will take control, but be aware that this includes wars with belligerents both outside and inside the Empire, which may mean that instead of becoming overlord of a HRE province the player declare war on it, even if it agreed to the reform. Also should the North Italian region not be entirely in the HRE by 1490 the Italian states will leave through the "Shadow Kingdom" event. They were usually promoted by smaller members and the Emperor, and opposed by Empire's electors and more powerful members. Nations that have their capital province inside imperial boundaries are considered Princes, or member states. Importantly each capital of the Emperor and enemy Electors must be controlled by you, so if an ally sieges even one capital down without transferring occupation to you the HRE cannot be dismantled. Appointing an elector gives a +50 relations boost with the new elector. Members of the HRE can add their Provinces to the HRE via a button in the bottom left of the Province interface, provided that the province borders another province that already is part of the HRE. Thank you in advance. It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this table. Ironically, they can still join if the nation they feel threatened by is the Emperor himself. The Electors are the nations that vote for the next Emperor. How do I get people to join HRE? The nations attitude toward the emperor also seems to affect the decision, and nations that are not able to reach the needed relations level dont seem interested in joining either. Friedrich III von Habsburg of Austria starts the game, in 1444, as Emperor. Or just annex and keep, lol. The first way is for small nations. Should I just start annexing an releasing vassals? But it generates AE. Yes, the last patch made it very unlikely for nations to voluntarily join the HRE. After you pass the third reform, you'll get a CB you can use to force them in. As the peasants enforce their demands or create new republics, they come closer to enforcing their demands. You would have to conquer, core, add to empire, then release. Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. This has a very, very negative impact on relations with former HRE members who left when the player revoked the privilegia - they get a special "Unified the Empire" -100 relation penalty with the emperor. Joining a league war grants the "Joined League War" country modifier for 100 years from the start of the war, which gives the following benefits: If a league wins the war by enforcing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term for 50% war score, that league will have their religion made the permanent official religion of the Holy Roman Empire. Opinion is capped at 200. Tricks and Tips for Europa Universalis IV with Mare Nostrum and other expansions. Fun content on everything pop culture. Fully annex a country, core, add provinces to the HRE, and release nation. If anyone has some suggestions I would like to hear. Conversely, the Empire can wane in power, and, as happened historically in 1806, it can eventually be dismantled. According to the wiki, the claim throne CB is valid "until the target country produces an heir with a strong claim or a new heir rises to the throne or the royal marriage is ended".I just claimed Austria's throne, and between that, breaking our alliance, and reformation opinion maluses, they broke our royal marriage. 5% Development cost in every Empire province, The owner of this province gets the province event "Perpetual Diet" Here are your options: Attack an Ally - The same trick you employ on free cities. This is a method to force large nations into becoming members of the HRE. Once the first imperial reform has been passed, The Emperor gains a casus belli against all non-HRE nations that control any HRE territory, such as Burgundy or Venice at the start of the game. They still have this fear even if the large nation is a republic or theocracy, thus making it impossible for them to become emperor. Hungary's membership would damage the Empire. is already at war with the target), Attack when the Emperor is unlikely to heed the call to arms (depleted army and manpower, in other wars, you being strong, emperor's rival), Be stronger than the Emperor and just fight him (or possibly have him decline the call the arms because he's afraid of you), Vassalize militarily or diplomatically instead, Have an alliance and good relations with the Emperor (ideally at +100 improvement), Be in another war while you take and core the province. If you have Emperor dlc, you can use "expand empire" cb to add new nations. Der Bauernmarkt 2.0 - Regional & digital and our From the 15th century on, except for a handful of years under the house of Wittelsbach (during the early years of the reign of Archduchess Maria Theresa) the Emperor was from the House of Habsburg or Habsburg-Lorraine, the rulers of Austria and many other European nations. ", If the Elector is allied to the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. Other nations in the vicinity have missions that allow them to join the HRE despite their size. The Dutch Revolt [1] is a disaster in the Low Countries region after the Protestant Reformation . There are no more elections for Emperor. Its possible to have an 8th elector if the Embrace Rechenschaft Measures reform has been passed. However, this is too random and luck based for you to work. Authority has become centered in faraway Denmark, and the many conflicts with Lbeck and the Hanseatic cities have been quite costly. Take and core the province while the Emperor has a long truce with you. (3) have a truce with the Emperor (hence stop wars with any elector to end such truces). Free Cities get a special republican government, a bonus to tax income and will always be able to call in the Emperor when they are attacked, even in internal HRE wars. Unless it fulfils at least one of the criteria below for selecting an outcome, the remaining outcomes are, Every province in the France Region that is owned by, Every province in the HRE that is owned by, Demand that the Lowlands be released as Princes of the HRE, The Emperor will support the Independence of, AI will always choose this option if it has one of the following, it is a neighbor of Burgundy but not allied to Burgundy. Passing the imperial reform 'Embrace Rechenschaft Measures' allows for an eight electorships to be granted. And no, personal unions and vassals won't join the HRE. 1 more diplomat (good in the HRE) 1 more promoted culture (uuuugh. The last reform will consolidate all member states of the HRE into a true, unified nation, with the emperor becoming its ruler. AI completely ignored their logic and . By studying these numbers and patterns, you'll get a better understanding of the game's AI. You must be at war with the Emperor and all remaining Electors and occupy their capitals. The threshold for proposing a reform is having 50 imperial authority. In the Common Sense DLC, the Emperor can appoint up to twelve Free Imperial Cities which are OPMs, cannot be electors, and give the emperor more authority in exchange for trading bonuses (for example, Ulm). Europa Universalis IV's expansion content is now available via subscription letting you enjoy all of the expansions and add-ons that have been developed over the last eight years. Austria also has access to the most number of modifiers to diplomatic reputation. The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. According to the wiki, the Emperor needs a sufficiently high opinion of the Country for it to add provinces to the HRE. (, Best Roman-Themed CC & Mods For The Sims 4, The Best Roman Mods for Skyrim (Weapons, Armor & More), Where To Get Holy Water in Final Fantasy X, How To Get a Holy Symbol on Ironman in OSRS, The Best Pokmon Subreddits You Should Join Right Now, FFXIV: What is a Free Company? This applies even if the owner is a member of the HRE. Though for example when I went to war with Hungary for the PU I broke the PU over Croatia and I had over 200+ relation of them, yet they still wouldn't join. Declare a war without a casus belli. Development of subjects within the Germanic culture group must be calculated without the 0.5 multiplier. (And Why Join One), How To Join The Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant (DS3). Being at war reduces a country's military score by 80%, while being an elector boosts this score. Common Sense: If the empire has no official faith yet, regardless of the faith of the electors, the Peace of Westphalia is declared. The acceptance of the request depends on the target nation's opinion of and attitude towards the Emperor, the Emperor's diplomatic reputation and prestige, the target nation's number of provinces and whether the target is an Elector. Despite being the emperor, this large country can be you. The casus belli is automatically given upon the annexation, and expires in 60 months (5 years). These can be multiple wars. Members are considered 'Princely states' and their heads are 'Princes'. It was last verified for. The Empire will renounce their claim on swiss territory, Switzerland is in a defensive war together with the Emperor, Switzerland is in an offensive war together with the Emperor, The Netherlands is at war with the Emperor of the HRE, AI is 50 times more likely to choose this option if it is, The HRE will sign a Treaty of Religious Peace, An Emperor that is reduced to 1 Province or with less than -50 warscore against a, AI is 100 times more likely to choose this option if it is, AI will never choose this option if it is, Declare war on a non-HRE ally of the HRE member you want to conquer and don't name the HRE member as a co-belligerent, Use Enforce Peace, Proclaim Guarantee or possibly Great Power intervention to join a war involving an HRE member, Get yourself or an ally attacked by an HRE member, Vassalize diplomatically instead (difficult, as members get negative reasons to accept vassalization), Attack while the Emperor can't accept a call to arms (e.g. I haven't played this game in quite a while but once I get the hang of it I'm not too bad. This can weaken both the incumbent Emperor and the Empire as whole. That and the union with Bohemia are two of the three most important first moves as Austria (the third is to conquer Venice). Note that the cores the emperor gets on imperial territory of non-members will not include those that left as a result of the previous reform, since that reform already removed all of their provinces from the empire. Interactive corporate website, per imperial prince(not free city or elector) after the imperial reform . If target country refuse the Demand, Holy Roman Empire loses 1 Imperial Authority. Go to your game installation folder and locate the "eu4. Anyway I want to play a middling culturally German power to unite the HRE. There are two conventional ways to join the Holy Roman Empire: Austria is the Emperor at the start of the game. and our Have 7 Free Cities in the Empire, none of which is of a Germanic culture. In order to be dismantled the empire must have at least one elector. Geographically only the provinces in Europe continent can be added into HRE. They also need to feel threatened by another country. And you can't add non core provinces to the HRE. Questions, Paradox Remove elector status from an elector at the expense of worsened relations with other electors (-50 with same-religion as the removed elector, otherwise -25) and 10 Imperial Authority. If the target is an elector, free city or Defender of the Faith, it counts for a 1000 points reduction on the likelihood of acceptance, effectively rendering peaceful conversion impossible. The game begins with the maximum number of Free Cities in the HRE. I once had an independent Corfu and Cyprus join when I was Emperor as France and the message said "rumour has it they fear the French" so who knows with that one. Electors no longer vote, though they retain Elector status. The Imperial Liberation CB expires in 10 years. There are several ways to improve another nations opinion of you. Assuming they like you enough then go to the province screen of a province bordering imperi. Note that Electors allied to the war leader still count as "not independent" even if they are not directly involved in the war. How to Dismantle the Hre in Eu4 Step 1: Find the section of the map that contains the most provinces with high development. My only issue: I cant find the . This makes it impossible for large nations with over 200 development to join the HRE using this method. As the title says, I would like to make AI factions join the HRE. When a reform is passed, all Imperial Authority is removed (the counter is set to 0). Free Cities cannot be Electors. There are many expansions that are situational, and our best advice is to look at what a pack offers, and decide if it's a part of the game you're going to be spending a lot of time in sooner rather than later. ", If the Elector is a vassal of the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. Dismantling the HRE will grant +100 prestige to the war leader, and remove the HRE interface altogether. Sound of Music invests in STM M28 modular line array from NEXO Once the Emperor has a high enough positive opinion of you, you can click on the Join HRE button in the HRE UI. AI emperors are fully content with having less than 7 electors if all the possible candidates are too big. If the Emperor releases a vassal within HRE territory as an Imperial Prince, the newly released vassal will not count towards diplomatic upkeep either. In case of a tie in the number of votes, the nation of the previous emperor retains the title, if they were among those tied. I've never been able to get the papal states to join either with my opinion of them being 200+. Such reforms would have shaped it into something more like the conventional nation-states of the rest of Europe. exe" file. This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:49. The territory is considered unlawful if the owner does not have a core on it. Second one, also no only if you release a nation in a province that is part of the HRE will that nation be part of the HRE. 6 Your game should . They'll retain that title most of the time unless they lose the Religious League War. The player can choose to either support or oppose reforms if they are a member, using the checkboxes in the imperial interface. (gets, Peasants' War Progress must be greater than, Imperial incident "The Great Peasants' War begins, The Emperor may revoke Free City status from a nation at the cost of 5. The first Holy Roman Emperor, Charlemagne, was crowned "Emperor of the Romans" in Rome by the Pope in the year 800, but it wasn't until 962 that the HRE as a united polity came into being. Friendly status or being allied gives +10, relations give up to +20 and each point of diplomatic reputation give +3. . The mean time of this happening is 5 years after the initial 30 years without a league war, and it will only trigger if the emperor is at peace, not in a regency, and none of the electors is a League enemy of opposing religion to the Emperor and with a truce with the Emperor. Since you cant go over 200 development, some diplomatic actions wont be accessible to you, especially the Great Power actions. Ewiger Landfriede means this should not happen too often, but it's something to be aware of. If any league war lasts a long time (25 years), or if it ends in a peace that does not involve either side securing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term, the Peace of Westphalia is signed, ending the religious war and allowing any Christian to be elected emperor. Princes may not declare war on one another (a non-member Emperor is not affected). In addition, there will be a lot of aggressive expansion when trying to conquer their provinces. Paradox's flagship grand strategy game will soon be available in an entirely new way. After the reform, an HRE vassal's liberty desire no longer take into account his strength or those of the other vassals. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also modifier for religion which won league war will be removed. Note that having an alliance with the Emperor does not help, as they may still join on the defender's side. Is the capital of an Elector and has at least, If the Elector is independent and does not join the war, it is "independent. Similarly with Caucasus and Armenia. Googling around I also found bits of information about the country needing to be threatened, but there's no mention of it on the wiki. Once youre the Emperor, the Join HRE button in the HRE UI will become clickable. Its even s struggle to get Bologna to join from the start. If the target refuses to convert peacefully, the Emperor suffers a prestige hit and gains a casus belli against the target. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. Note: The Economy actions can become expensive. The Emperor has the following powers and duties: Available from the Holy Roman Empire interface, the Emperor can call for a vote on an Imperial Reform. Advice? The Emperor of the HRE: If Emperor is enabled: The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. People say high Dip Rep helps, but crucially IMO so does having high Imperial Authority (a retired dev on paradoxplaza seems to be hinting at over 50IA, so instead of passing a reform asap keep it high and smaller nations are more likely to join). Nations have a base acceptance of -100 which can be modifed by: Imperial authority is used to pass reforms within the Empire and perform certain Emperor actions. If the emperor attacks a free city, it will suffer 3 stability. The Emperor needs at least 50 Authority to pass a reform and the consensus of at least half of the members of the Empire. From these Princes, up to seven are Prince-Electors, who vote on which Prince will be the next Holy Roman Emperor upon the death of the . There are two conventional ways to join the Holy Roman Empire: Improve relations with the Emperor and request admission to the HRE. Thus, if the player wants to become an elector they must either inherit one, or be the dominant religion, same religion as the emperor, have good relations with the emperor, and be small. This is usually around Central Europe, but can be moved if need be. I am playing as Austria with most of the major dlc (I believe) how can I get nations to join the hre, specifically I want some of the Italian opms and burgundy to join, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. PC, Mac Linux. Only Protestant countries are eligible to be league leader, this excludes other denominations entirely (e.g. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Current member AI states that are the Emperor will add provinces to the Empire provided that they border or share a sea zone with provinces which are already part of the HRE, the province religion is any denomination of Christianity, the nation has a core on the province, and the province is in Europe. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is also possible to leave by moving the capital to a non-HRE province; however, this cannot be done manually, but can happen by losing the capital or some events. This will likely cause non-HRE vassals to become disloyal, as total military strength will increase greatly. Beware, however, that non-HRE vassal will still take into account the strength of HRE vassals (as that of other vassals), which can lead to a sudden rise in non-HRE vassal's liberty desire when the reform is passed. The player may need to disband a significant portion of their inherited military units. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. While the Emperor can demand unlawful territory while he is at war (not with you), AI-controlled Emperors don't seem to do so. The Emperor's subject nations will almost always support him. The Holy Roman Emperor has various powers at his disposal and a great deal of responsibility to maintaining and protecting the Imperial territorial, religious, and cultural status quo. This is a diplomatic action which allows the Emperor to force his/her state religion on other nations within the empire that follow heretical denominations. This can happen lategame if all member states have converted to non-Catholic religions but the AI did not start the League War, leading to a Catholic emperor without eligible electors. Archived post. Alternatively, you could force them into the HRE with the CB you get from passing the third reform. When there are fewer than seven electors, the Emperor may grant the electorate to another independent nation within the Empire. A nation liberated after this reform, however, will not automatically become the Emperor's vassal. To force them into the HRE be at war with the CB you get from passing the third reform &! 50 Authority to pass a reform is having 50 imperial Authority event, the Palatinate, or member states culture! Taking part in conversations entirely new way contains the most provinces with high development the join HRE in. 1.30 update and Emperor DLC is going to arrive soon, Please help with or. Not help, as Emperor ) 1 more diplomat ( good in the imperial 'Embrace... 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