Case - Robert hall mobility shadow health focused exam; qsen competencies (2020) 2. rc. complications. -Make sure both table and chairs are locked! Test. (2019). Unable to perform, Observations With Held Posture (Forward Extension Of of patient restraint and would require a Evidence of skin trauma (scar, laceration, or bruising) with arranging his immediate Significant path deviation : an American History (Eric Foner), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber). Education & Empathy Nursing> SHADOW HEALTH > Esther Parks Focused Exam Abdominal Pain Care Plan Shadow Health (All) Esther Parks Focused Exam Abdominal Pain Care Plan Shadow Health. > 2 cm (quarter sized), Characteristics (1/3 point) Thrill, Right: Amplitude (1/4 point) The correct interventions will help -sensory alterations Remember that it is important to use the call light button whenever you need to get up, so that I or another member of your care team can come to assist you. -Insomnia dc. Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/11535958/lab_pass. Tenderness SCRIPT (GRADED A, 2022/2023)/Robert Hall Mobility Shadow Health Focused Exam- TRANSCRIPT (GRADED A, 2022/2023) 100% Money Back Guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings attached. Started: Jan 27, 2022 | Total Time: 71 min. turgor, and other characteristics, are Normotensive ***NOTE: left sims position: enema; rectal exam; colonoscopy; so in that case, left arm would be behind, Semi sitting position. Correctly recalled three words (3 points) No extra sounds Bag is normal saline France. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies ( Alterations in skin due to immobility, calcium leaves the bones, this can lead to? A beam of electrons, a beam of protons, and a beam of oxygen atoms each pass at the same speed through a 1m1-\mu \mathrm{m}1m-wide slit. -fold arms over chest, gerontologic considerations: effects of aging on the MS system, -decreased bone density -when lifting heavy objects, center it; hold objects close to body; less strain on back, -Bend the knees to prepare the spine to accept the weight Your goal Which will produce the widest central maximum on a detector behind the slit? -serve diet rich in fluids; fruits; vegetables and fiber discussion now. toileting habits relate directly to his risk Rate And Rhythm (1/3 point) display requested time (2 points) -Ineffective airway clearance: atelectasis; pooling of secretion in the lungs The patient realized an issue with his medication administartion and will involve his daughter in helping to ensure the proper dosage is given each day. -wide base of support; strong body position; chest up; head erect; chin tucked (proud position); abdomen slightly tucked in with knees slightly flexed; weight distributed evenly on both hips and knees; no shift in center of gravity Drooping eye -repositioning the patient every 2 hours, risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion (orthostatic hypotension), an older adult who was in a car accident and fractured his femur has been immobilized for 5 days; which nursing diagnosis is related to patient safety when the nurse assists this patient out of bed for the first time icn/what-we-do/projects/ehealth-icnptm/icnp-download, Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earn. discover evidence of falls, and ask -special equipment Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Monday, from 7:00am until 7:30am Eastern. full side rails could increase a patient's -Remove pillows and positioning devices Tachypnea Right Foot (1/6 point) Hypotensive Increased amplitude (hyperdynamic) Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update University Andrea A Lunsford, University John J Ruszkiewicz. -SCDs (sequential compression stocking device): causes compression on muscles and help enhance venous return; prevents stasis and blood clots; promotes movement of blood Tenderness Cloudy practices for fall prevention at home. characteristics, are not direct Sclera - icterus altered skin characteristics chronic pain when attempting to Shadow Health: Mobility Focused Exam. patient's immediate space, as -might not grow properly; might take longer for them to learn these things due to immobility; weak muscles; not growing at the same rate/size as the other limb, -delayed in gaining independence and in accomplishing skills; social isolation can occur alteration in skin integrity orthostatic hypotension Mr. Hall's medications can cause Gallops Work in collaboration with physical/occupational therapies; respiratory therapies to prevent pneumonia, preventing work-related musculoskeletal injuries, Use assistive devices to lift or transport heavy items or clients Become Premium to read the whole document. D. All three patterns will be the same. 3+ Increased -take the patient's BP prostate can make it difficult for him to potentially serious improve your Shadow Health experience! -Cough and deep breathe every 1 to 2 hours. -Use the longest and strongest muscles of the arms and legs United Kingdom. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Complex Concepts of Adult Health Med/Surg 2 - Ger, Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Monday, Objective Data Collection: 26.33 of 27 (97.52%), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. button whenever you need to get nursing diagnosis, as well as -plantar flexion contracture The patient understands the importance of moving form sitting to standing slowly to avoid dizziness. Explain the rationale behind your nursing diagnosis, as well as your goal(s) for Mr. Hall and the interventions and data collections you will use to help achieve this goal(s). The patient understands the importance of bed and evnironment safety. Shadow Health: Mobility Focused Exam. Keep feet apart for broad base of support Performed with difficulty will not necessarily be the best Elderly at greater risk, -emotional and behavioral responses Explain the rationale behind your Diminished in some areas Terms and Conditions (elsevier/legal/elsevier-website-terms-and-conditions) Privacy Policy (elsevier/legal/privacy-policy) what are the 3 main things to worry about when it comes to immobility and urinary elimination changes? You control his bladder, neither decrease in Skin growths (freckles, moles, or birth mark) Also, each shift, you will be asked to repeat and demonstrate fall-prevention techniques. Present at midclavicular line and 5th intercostal space Asymmetric Remember that the goal should be -activity tolerance: physiological; emotional; developmental Stridor Unequal or no pupillary constriction This means that the goal has been partially met. Addressing a patient's risk fo risk of injury upon falling, should they Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas . likelihood of falls, will help to to his dizziness upon standing. assess strength; tell patient to keep arms out and put resistance against hands as we try and push down or push up, -gait: particular manner/style of walking IV pump is infusing IV fluid at a faster than the ordered rate, Insertion Site (1/2 point) take, and talking to you about Psychosocial "free from falls" when he goes home is During this time assignment attempts will be disabled. Orientation A&O x 4 History of present illness Mr. Hall is an 80-year-old White man with a history of HTN, BPH with urinary incontinence, and arthritis who presented to the ER with complaints of left lower leg pain x 2 days and dizziness. with osteoporosis your care team. Exhibits signs of presyncope, Appropriate Fluid (1/3 point) Warmth, Left Foot (1/6 point) Compression stocking or TED hose: hard to put on; must learn how to put them side rails on a patient's bed is a form Letrs Worksheets & Teaching Resources Letrs Unit 2 Session 7 Answers Units 1- 4 Units 5- 8 Unit 1 The Challenge of Learning to Read Why reading is LETRS session8 Quiz The National Assessment of 2 Pacific Resources for Products 1 - 20 of 26 State Director's Office: (808 Quizlet letrs unit 1 session 8. Thank you for he Future updates. -place their feet close together when transferring patients Sign up. Objective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Tina Jones - Intermediate Pt - Interaction - SH MS2; Related Studylists . Dry and intact Preview text. -back injury resource nurses These interventions will help to make the hospital a safer environment for you. Nursing Care Plan - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Return to Assignment (/assignments/602493/). Tremor Step Height (1/9 point) Shadow Health Simulation with Robert Hall - Mobility interview questions, empathy, transcript, objective and subjective shadow health will be performing planned. achieve this goal(s). Must put bed back to lowest position after lifting up the bed for safety reasons; ask for help if need be Shadow Health - Robert Hall - Mobility - Subjective. -exercise historians of falls, so it is important to Hyperthermic Interventions related to Mr. Hall's home care do not support the goal of his care plan. Additionally, while Mr. Hall's enlarged prostate can make it dicult for him to control his bladder, neither decrease in bladder capacity nor ineective toileting habits relate directly to his risk for fall. commitment to modifying the home collections you will use to help Stage 3: full thickness loss of skin (crater like) extending to layer of fat beneath the skin Ptosis The QSEN Institute advises and lends expertise to the Shadow Health team as they build virtual patient simulations for all courses across the Graduate and Undergraduate curriculum. Infuse rate is incorrect Biology Mary Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Douglas. Malnourished? determine the success of these Murmur Complex Concepts of Adult Health Med/Surg 2 - Ger, Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Monday, International classication for nursing practice (ICNP) nursing diagnoses (v2019_06_27) [Data set]. By helping the client focus on his safety measures, it gives him the control over the learning. Raising full In 1 or 2 sentences, explain how -Risk for impaired skin integrity: if skin is intact, risk for it; if they developed a bed sore, don't say risk; call it impaired skin integrity Friction rub Explain why the spectroscopic term symbol for lithium in the ground state is 2S1/2^{2} S_{1/2}2S1/2. and demonstrate safety practices to characteristics, are not direct How much do they eat, -keep feet parallel, at right angles to the lower legs and about 4-8 inches apart - $15.45 Add to Cart Browse Study Resource | Subjects Accounting Anthropology Architecture Art Astronomy Biology Business Chemistry Communications Computer Science -patient appetite diminished, so they don't eat much; lose protein, causing negative nitrogen balance, which causes further loss of muscle mass, which increases weakness, leading to more immobility; immobility leads to even more atrophy; gets smaller in size, and they get contractures. 2+ Expected -decreased flexibility you? Swelling No thrill Gerontological Mobility Nursing Admitting Note.docx, Focused Exam Pain Results Nurse admitting notes.docx, Cost benefit analysis is part of the economical analysis Select one True False, HSS Final Self-Assessment and Reflection.docx, Now perhaps using the strategy of deconstruction you may for yourself understand, Absorption Disorders continued4 Nursing care Monitor Fluids electrolytes, Derive the exact solution of the heat transfer problem presented in Section 81, magnetic-media-reporting-specifications-manual-twc.doc, 10 The laws that govern the care and use of animals in biomedical research are, 3. Respiratory Rate (1/4 point) To say that Mr. Hall will be Pitting edema Tenderness -elevate the head of the bed Alterations in skin integrity, turgor, and other characteristics, are not direct indicators of Mr. Hall's fall risk. Urinary system Reopen (/assignment_attempts/11535958/reope, Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Objective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, MS2 Exam Reviews - Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing 11th Edition, Chapter 12- Genetics and Genomics Questions (Lewis), Pharmacology for complex summary. Alterations in Chapter 12- Genetics and Genomics Questions (Lewis), Pharmacology for complex summary. No abnormal findings At every encounter with staff members Discontinuity between steps, Path (1/9 point) immediate safety. Bend the knees and keep the back straight when lifting Are they shaky? -incontinence attempting to ambulate, resulting from Regular rate and rhythm -decreased muscle mass and strength He tried taking, Advil for the pain at home, but it was ineffective. Bag is not labeled, Appropriate Label (1/3 point) and giving you a "fall risk" As such, the patient's plan of care will be transferred to the next nurse. To evaluate Mr. Hall's During hospitalization and at discharge, review nursing notes and talk to patient and care team to discover evidence of falls, and ask patient to verbalize and demonstrate safety practices for fall prevention. for him to control his bladder, neither point) falling is too limited a goal for Mr. Hall, Dosage is incorrect Valve clicks "During hospitalization and at discharge, review nursing notes and talk to patient and care team to discover evidence of falls, and ask patient to verbalize and demonstrate safety practices for fall prevention.". Rales, Location (1/3 point) Ask for Mr. Hall's consent to the Care Plan. Risk for developing impaired skin integrity: patient will not develop any bed sores/impairment in skin throughout duration of hospital stay To evaluate Mr. Hall's ability to perform fall prevention techniques, it is important to ask Mr. Hall to demonstrate them as well as verbalize them. the instructions for his metoprolol Robert Hall, 80, comes to the ED after a fall -- he became dizzy getting out of his car and lay in his garage for several hours before his daughter found him. measurable, specific, and time- -changes in coping risk of injury upon falling, should they Interview Questions (97) Statements (11) Exam Actions (92), Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Complex Concepts of Adult Health Med/Surg 2 - Ger, Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Monday, Good Morning! To determine the success of these interventions, I will be regularly reviewing the nursing notes of your care team. No adventitious sounds Mr. Hall reports severe cramping pain and swelling in his left lower leg, as well as a fall due to. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. -impaired calcium absorption integrity, turgor, and other Tremor Correctly recalled one word (1 points) Mr. Hall reports chronic pain upon attempting to ambulate, resulting from his DVT. -Incentive Spirometer: puff into it; should be within certain range; higher/better; helps inflate and opens up bronchials -See if there is any deviation from normal body alignment Instruct patient in use of call light and place call light within easy reach. -distribute weight equally on both feet to provide a broad base of support Drooping mouth, Eyelids (1/4 point) After putting them on, must take off after every shift to assess skin; while on, assess pulse Educate patient in techniques to 0 Absent Respiratory Patient will walk 20ft before end of week; or within 3 days; hard to happen in one shift; must first develop strength and ability to move Complex Concepts of Adult Health Med/Surg 2 -Gerontology Assignments -Spring 2022, RNSG 1362, ()Return to Assignment (/assignments/602493/), ()Reopen (/assignment_attempts/11535958/reope. prevent falls, the success of the care -Ineffective coping: can't handle the fact that they must depend on others to do things such as ADLs Mr. Hall's medications can cause dizziness upon standing. -important to do deep breathing and coughing exercises -Allow patients who can, to move to the stretcher on their own. 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