Many people come up with a word, phrase, or gesture they will use to return to their CR. The most popular methods in the shifting community is the Raven method, the Julia method, and the Pillow method. You need to reach a certain threshold of energy to magnetize what you desire. Notice Where Your Attention Is Going To start shifting your reality, simply start noticing what you're allowing into your consciousness throughout your daily life. Reality shifting, according to those who do it, is a way to move your consciousness from your current reality (CR) to your desired reality (DR). In this technique, one needs to lie down in a comfortable position and with eyes closed and tie a bandana or any piece of cloth over their eyes. These are associated with creativity, intuition, and fantasizing. You can see your DR in front of you. Finetuning and Naturalness are extra-empirical theory assessments that reflect our expectation how scientific theories should provide an intuitive understanding about the foundations underlying the observed phenomena. Use positive affirmations that boost your confidence that you'll shift. He was just like you, until he realized he had been taking the wrong approach. After that, you can choose any of the methods described on this page to complete the shift. There is a fear that they will not seek help, or that people who are displaying symptoms of mental illness will ignore them because the symptoms and experiences in shifting realities are similar. While in other methods, the sound is optional. Just keep looking at the ceiling or wall. Close your eyes and think of yourself going up in an elevator, and as you do, feel your vibrational energy rising as you go higher up each floor. And there you have it, you should be in your desired reality by now! Imagine yourself sitting in a train that is headed to your dream reality. As you sync with the sound and affirmation, soon, you will start feeling the shifting symptoms. i don't know a ton about shifting i've only done it once or twice so don't come after me please im sensitive also im a little bitch in this quiz and i insult your entire life Enter Your Name; Enter Quiz Password; As previously stated, we are constantly shifting, and yet none of us seem to notice; however, when we consider shifting to our DR, we become intimidated and begin to doubt the existence of shifting. Theres a reality where yourea multi-billionare, and one where you live in a cardboard box. In a rising TikTok trend started by the younger generation, a phenomenon called reality shifting has been gaining widespread popularity. As always, the role of music that raises your vibrational energy levels and the power of positive statements plays a big role n the process. This method works just like the Portal Method, except you use a TV screen, computer screen or book as your lucid dream portal. But, in the end, you shouldnt be overly concerned with which method youll use. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One example is when you are just about to wake up from sleep, without opening your eyes, imagine yourself lying on a beach, feeling the breeze and the sounds. You might experience tingles or twitches in your body parts as you feel yourself shifting realities closer to the floor you wish to reach. here, you won't have any distractions and . Keep affirming every time you loose focus. But when you notice these symptoms, its critical that you stay calm and concentrate on your visualizations/senses. In your CR, say your affirmations, then fall asleep. Focus your attention and visualize the consciousness of your current reality self flowing out and merging together with this desired version of yourself as you reach them. When youre ready, youll reach the end of your fall. This can include the names of all the people you want to see in the DR, the series of events you would like to experience there, and even perceptions like sights, smells, and tastes from that world. The person can be your crush, love, friend, or anyone you wish. With this method, you picture a special person in your DR. Then, you lie down with a pillow under you and your head resting on it, imagining it is that person. At the same time, repeat affirmations about your DR self. Staying calm and relaxed is an important part of being able to shift. Notice what you're talking and thinking about the most. As you move through the door, you will freefall into absolute void. There is respawning and permanently shifting. if you have high vibrations then you have more positive thoughts that can help you shifting and in general! Fall into the path freely and your soul will guide you through the way as you free fall. so you do actually get to bring back that knowledge to your original reality? You might shift right then and there. When you are ready, youll feel the train come to a halt at your DR station and you can open your eyes. Let your imagination fill the hall with decorations, layout, and the specific look of the piano. While it is not required, many people believe that creating a detailed script of ones desired reality can greatly aid the process. This method is for all the adventurous folks out there. Another option is to script that you will smell a signature scent when you have shifted, such as lemon, mint, or cinnamon. Here, there is another door. You dont need to include things that are already on your other script, because your mind has already assimilated those details. Whatever answer first pops into your mind is your answer. You can either open your eyes in your DR or you can fall asleep and wake up there. You can actually use this to your advantage. Move towards the door and open it. This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community.You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. There are several different lucid dreaming shifting methods. You can write your script down anywhere on a piece of paper, in a notebook, or even in your phone. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms, if any at all. Thats not the best state of mind to try shifting realities while awake. Every second of your day you are shifting. You can also play music or use affirmations to raise your vibrations while you practice this technique. i AM (description in dr, like height, eye colour, hair, ect) i AM (name in dr) I am a great and gracious receiver. But you can certainly shift to your DR even without a method. You might be thinking that some of these signs sound contradictory. Close your eyes and visualize yourself at Hogwarts. According to Business Insider, the company is creating an edtech platform, GeniusJoy, that will use AI to build a STEM curriculum. Many people have shifted without experiencing any shifting symptoms. Personally, I find that meditating and relaxing my body and mind before beginning a shifting method brings me closer to shifting than not meditating. Or you can use sentences according to your script. As for you questions no clue, sorry. you should give it a try!! Cinns method shifting is a simple affirmation-based technique. Most importantly, they can also empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to spirituality and your life purpose. If you can do this effectively with your CR, it will be easier to do with your DR later. Find yourself falling asleep in your CR each time? 84.5K 1.2K 1K. Also, it is best you are a bit drowsy and tired so that your mind is not full of active and chaotic thoughts, and the clarity of the intention is the main focus. The next step is to visualize this sound emanating from the chest of a person you trust or wish to connect with within your dream world. This can be done by focusing on positive affirmations and visualizing desired outcomes and goals. It was created by a girl named Julia in the shifting community. Almost every shifting guide or video suggests that you meditate before shifting. From there, try one of the Lucid Dream Methods we talked about above. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. These are called sleep methods and non-sleep methods. Many people report that staying hydrated helps them shift realities a lot easier. But have you ever played with the universe? 2. In extreme cases, shifters are encouraged to die in order to permanently change realities. I recommend experimenting with different methods until you find the one that works best for you. 2. Instead, you should try to do it when you feel well-rested enough that you can stay focused, but not so energized that youre not able to relax your mind enough. So if you struggle to shift realities and find yourself waking up the next morning each time you try, just keep on reading. What is Genz reality shifting?Genz reality shifting is a method of self-transformation that uses visualization and affirmations to help shift ones perception of reality. i planned to shift to this beautiful little house where i live with tom hiddleston!! You can go a step further and know you are there already. This method involves rolling eyes in to and fro motion and may not suit for everyone. You may even want to do a brief relaxation exercise. copyright 2023 by Wealthful Mind. You might like: How to Meditate for Shifting Realities. If you feel you need to and it helps you, you can also continue writing this script with all the things on your old one. METHODS - THE NON SLEEPING METHOD | pt. Lie down in a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Imagine you are in a dark room alone with a mirror at small distance. Highly recommend reading: Is Shifting Realities Dangerous? Shifting methods are not a necessity. Lietuvi kalba When you do, you will merge into your DR self and find yourself at Hogwarts. Youve probably played truth or dare before. Raven Method. Some believe it's essentially lucid dreaming . Know that you will soon be in your desired reality. Reality shifting is a way we can literally shift our consciousness from our current reality (CR) to ourdesired reality(DR), experiencing the lives we want. You may have been struggling with trying to shift realities for a while. Once you have successfully shifted for the first time, you can get rid of this one day script and go back to your old one. Give me advice, please. The first place I tried was garbage and had nothing to offer, but I kept looking. Wondering why you can't shift?How to shift?What you're doing wrong?Here's the video for you ;)***READ ME***MY KPOP GIVEAWAY: The key thing is to involve all your senses, and make yourself see, hear, smell, taste, and touch your new reality in your mind. 4. She also love to explore the human mind, as well as offer advice for those seeking help in their journey of self-discovery. Slowly relax your mind with deep breaths and close your eyes. The idea is to either sleep with earphones plugged in or your phone underneath your pillow with the audio of a beating heart playing. This helps with the visualization part of shifting. Misconceptions Answered. As previously stated, some of the shifting methods require you to sleep in order to work, while others require you to stay awake. But as its mentally draining, it might help if you do a bit of meditating beforehand. There is only one lime light which is on you. A waiting room is a place where you can hang out before you attempt to fully shift to your DR. You can have a physical body there, or just have it be a resting place for your mind. This shifting method is based on visualization. It is simply one that you have created for yourself. Mental Style Project has been created as an outlet to guide you as you navigate through life, with the right tools and resources that will upgrade your life, enable you to take charge of your personal growth, and improve your wellness journey. As your mind is not fully attuned to your current reality anymore, it will not be as able to speculate or cast doubt. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! If you get dare, then dare the universe to let you shift. For example, your shifting affirmations could be: It might also help you to write these down before you attempt to shift realities. Another option is to script it so that you will simply be returned to your CR automatically after a certain amount of time passes or a specified event takes place. Imagine yourself in a grand hall with a piano at its focus. You can count to 100 or listen to Subliminals in the background if it helps. Go lie down on the desired reality bed that you now see in that room in the very same position that you are resting in your current reality, and you shall wake up to your dream reality. Simply note that you are experiencing these symptoms and try to keep them in the back of your mind as you keep your attention on your method. Choose a music which helps you to sync with the character or person you are dancing with. hearing voices or sounds related to your DR. If you have read the Neil Gaiman book Coraline or seen the film, you probably can picture how the Coraline method shifting works. When they do, continue visualizing your DR with your senses and emotions. This will get your mind started from a relaxed state, so you can use your affirmations, script, and visualizations more effectively. Let your eyes become unfocused. Now slowly move towards the mirror. Yes, shifting for the first time is the best feeling in the world, but getting too excited can send you back to your current reality. If youre new to shifting or havent succeeded in shifting yet, you might be wondering: but how do I tell when my consciousness has shifted? #ShiftingRealities #Howtoshift #Shiftingmotivation #ShiftingmethodsHello everyone! Try to sync the breath with the audio. If you havent heard of Psychic Source before, its a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations. Now feel the unification of yourself with your superior being and slowly open your eyes to be in your dream realm. 12. Instead of guessing and potentially opening your eyes too soon, youll know for sure when youve shifted with this tip. Make sure to feel every sensation in the scene. How can being weightless and super heavy both be signs that you have shifted realities? Practice visualization techniques to clearly see your DR. 1 The Raven Method Well, there is a wide range of possible signs because each person can experience shifting realities in a different way. Lie down and get into a starfish position, with your arms and legs spread out around you. There is a focus light on you as you walk towards the piano. Start daydreaming and visualizing your DR while keeping your eyes open. Do whatever works best for you and makes you feel the most at ease! Happy shifting! For confessions, dynamics, reveals, etc. Start counting slowly to 100, repeating shifting and DR affirmations every few numbers. Click here to get your own personalized reading, 10 spiritual meanings of yawning you need to know about, What is a spiritual journey? You see your own reflection walking towards you inside the mirror. When you feel you have fully shifted, open your eyes and youll find yourself there. You can count to 100, or count the stops as you go. In a new trivia app called Homeschooled, Jesse Williams and VISIBILITY are collaborating to make learning fun. This comes at a time when American students are seeing record-low math scores. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was. The second Hogwarts shifting method is just a variation on the popular Pillow Method. Close your eyes in a peaceful moment when you have some time to yourself. Click here to get your own personalized reading. There are numerous methods that people have invented in order to visualize their DR, some of which require you to fall asleep in order to work, while others do not. You can feel free to complete these sentences to make the mantra more personally meaningful for the reality you want to shift to. When you feel the shift is complete, open your eyes to your new DR. When you look in the mirror, you see your DR self at Hogwarts. When you get to 100, repeat your affirmations for as long as you need. Some methods include reciting affirmations, listening to Theta waves or subliminals, and laying in a particular position. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. With this method, just like Coraline, you crawl through a tunnel into another world. To properly use this method, you need to visualize the reality you want in as much detail as possible. Notice where your focus goes. Sophomore Emily Ruiz said, "I was really interested in shifting because it seemed really cool. Start by turning on your subliminals and getting into a relaxing position. There are so many so-called gurus out there, its so hard to know where to even begin. To begin this method, you focus on your script, and then you pen a note to a special DR person. I see a lot of people having trouble when scripting about their love interests, because there's so many options!! What you are not understanding is that when you change back again, in reality, you are still in the same reality. Do you know that feeling after a long day of work, when you just want to plop into your bed and doze off? i am a master shifter. a. You can do this from a seated position to avoid falling asleep. Having tried several online advisors, I think theyre the most caring, compassionate and helpful network of gifted advisors out there. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Rise from the spot and move towards the door affirming that its time to go. While these steps are useful when youre first starting out, you dont have to follow everything exactly as Ive described! Your mind is working really hard, and you dont want to overdo it. Step through it to enter your DR. Press J to jump to the feed. Shifting is the act of intentionally or unintentionally shifting your consciousness to a specific reality. Yes, you can shift to study for exams. Scripting is a self-explanatory term. The first one that pops into your mind is your answer. As a result, it is more of a technique that you must master than a power that you must acquire. Imagine yourself seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting your DR. What emotions are you feeling in your DR universe? Let yourself drift off, then wake up in Hogwarts. While in bed, focus on what reality you want to shift into while breathing slowly and calmly. Ive written a post that lists the 15 best shifting methods and explains how to use each one; you should read it. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. Ive actually answered this question before in a previous post. It involves persuading your mind by saying that you are already in your desired reality. What Happens To Your Body When You Shift Realities? Others script that they smell a specific scent, such as mint or cinnamon, when theyve shifted. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. That way, you will avoid opening them too soon and finding yourself still in your CR. Your soul will guide you in the right direction. There are four main components when it comes to shifting: Affirmations are a great way to shift. The second approach is the Lucid Dreaming TV Screen Method. well haha im glad the help in the comments could help you too!! You get up from the piano bench and head towards the door, affirming that its time to go. In the Lucid Dreaming Portal Method, you fall asleep, then look for or create a portal in your lucid dream. Visualize waking up in your DR room, and then getting out of bed. It is based on the multiverse theory, which states that all realities exist concurrently in the present. Try to sync your breath to the audio and your affirmations. 1. So what if you try these shifting methods while awake, but you find yourself still falling asleep every time? Get creative. During counting, make sure to keep affirming what you want to see in your dream realm. The In Your Arms method shifting of shifting has an appeal that is similar to that of the Hug Method. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. You wont be able to read the list during the process, as shifting realities require your eyes to be closed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. <3. Now slowly move towards the door and open it while affirming about your DR self with maximum hope. Keep your body relaxed, comfortable, and loose, and your mind in a calm state. Have you tried every possible method, but youre still struggling with shifting? Youll immediately notice that Rud is different from everyone else. Shifting is determined by ones belief and intent. Lack of understanding about proper sanitation and sterilization, combined with overcrowded and unsanitary facilities, led to rampant disease and infection. For the ADHD Method Shifting of reality, the sound is a must. Let these mantras be in the present tense as if what you are saying has already happened. Relax your mind by saying that you have high vibrations then you have created for yourself so to... 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