Scorpio is emotional but equally requires a mental connect, remember it rules the human psyche, the subconscious. Coming from a Gemini i tend to disagree. Well guess what, he cheated on me with someone younger. He knows what he means to me & I know that it was my fault to miss the opportunity , I am a Gemini female and my boyfriend is a Scorpio male and these are true points made but It is a lot of work because I have chosen to pull back a lot without losing myself as I am still a free spirit I just take into consideration that its not just me anymore and I am fine with that. This is the happiest I have ever been in a relationship. Says, Oh our connection with pisces/taurus is insanebut chases the gemini girl. Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend. I absolutely appreciate his will to be honest when fights arise it clears the air. Thank god my mother is a patient kind wife who has waited on him hand and foot all these years, cooked, cleaned and taken good care of the children(me). The thing is while I do want her back, I only want her back if she shows me that she can deal with conflict in a healthy way. You being calm and controlled when you see him, tells him that you dont care anymore. They come out based on how we are treated. I write to express my thoughts so that others will be inspired. Hes my gift from God. Not all Scorpio men are like that. Scorpios arent afraid of changethey embrace it. No matter how hard it is. Cancer . When I became pregnant for him and he didnt want it HE tried the character assassination routine. You are not better. According to astrology, the moment a Scorpio man falls in love, hes in for the long haul. i have recently started dating a Scorpio MALE 1st date was awesome!!! I cut off all contacts with a Scorpio guy last year (ldr and he seemed very sweet/intense/ obsessive but guarded?) I felt heartbroken. Since both of them are often gravitated towards challenges, they try to tame each other in their own ways. You can sleep soundly at home knowing how trustworthy your Scorpio man is. So, there could be bad Serpents & evolved Serpents. Watch his interviews or Tedtalk nd all. My advice is to keep people out of your relationship at first because its gonna take a lot of your time and energy and having everyone in your ear can cloud things even more as you are trying to figure out if this is worth it for you. It is very important for both the Scorpio male-Gemini female to have trust on one another which will form the basis on which the relationship will thrive. Heres the difference, gemini too wants to explore, supposedly to find the best match. Geminis only considering the surface of everything and fail to see the unrelenting, indomitable, shear determination and power in the soul of the Scorpio. I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Cancer. Until his pride got in the way of his responsibility to his childmeaning he would rather make ME suffer even if it meant his child would too. Definately arrogant. She has to understand when he needs her close, to show him that she should be devoted and faithful to him and only him when all she wants to do is spread her wings and fly. Most cmnts here are gemini women wondering why the scorp guy ended the magical all well relationship. I wont go into a full apology until I KNOW he is willing to listen. As long as they accept flaws from one another and show empathy, nothing can break this relationship. Personally, I like gemini the most out of all air signs, it isnt fake in that sense. I am a Gemini woman, I have been with my Scorpio man for almost 4 years now. I love both of my Scorpio men in ways theyll sadly never know. They dont want to make a mistake, and they dont want you to be someone who is just another in a long line of people who have come and gone out of their life. But they are likely to overcome this hurdle because they are both such strong communicators in their own ways. A Scorpio man is complicated and full of contradictions. I love him too much but hes always feeling unsecured. His prejudice brother is married to his cousin. He has issues. But not everyone is the same, right.. He will chat with some of his friends, and I usually sit there and draw. The mood changes, little tempers, personality changes and inattentiveness of Gemini woman toward her Scorpio man are treated by him with patience and endurance. Where you Scorps falter is letting people know how great you think you are. Trust me. The arms and the holding is the best feeling in the world. Isnt it obvious, she started to fall for you real hard, all geminis would get this behaviour.. reminds me of one Scorpio I know.. Kind of similar situation, I was scared of believing or accepting that I was lucky enough to even have such a guy liking me. Impulsive air signs, they just do things & forget abt it. does she want me and me only? We will not and cannot fake what we feel for someone and because we both believe that we deserve the best out of a relationship than I believe we are each others soulmates. Now, the first thing i noticed abt her was that mutable gemini nature, she LITERALLY said one thing & did another thing the next moment. We need to be entertained or interested constantly and when we find the right one we will do whatever it takes to make it work because although free spirited we are also adaptable. They arent afraid to stand up for you, even when its not easy. And being with them will always mean going against the grain of society which thinks that being faithful means never having your own needs. She wants someone fun, someone exciting, and someone who can stimulate her imagination. No words at all. I love my Scorpio man deeply and I hope that i can succeed in making him see that . And when i say this man is passionate he is passionate. HaHa gaby, you know gossip is something gemeni girls do best. The Gemini woman requires guidance and comfort as she confronts some challenging person decisions regarding a relative's crisis. He will find that she lacks the emotional depth he needs in a partner, and she will feel like he is always pushing her to be something that shes not. Etc. Scorpios arent afraid of changethey embrace it, something special, and they wont easily let go, succeed in both business and relationships, make sure that you are the right person for him, they also dont go into relationships lightly. Scorpio zodiac native is very ambitious as an individual and is quite a hard working person. All those people my Scorpio talked badly about me to came to me and told me what he had said and that I should exact revenge. Did you like our article? If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. This is insanely accurate! I love her, Ill take what I can get. im in love with this gemini girl ..but she is always so fidgety.cant seem to understand what she wants. I will never find that love and connection we had. He told me he almost destroyed his life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he really loved the girl. It also kind of proves what I said earlier, with sagittarians, it happens a lot that theyre called stupid/absent minded/cute idiots. A Scorpio man and a Gemini woman have vastly different communication styles, so communication between them isnt natural or easy. It is very important for both the Scorpio man and Gemini woman to trust each other, if they want to be together in a perfect and harmonious relationship. He will not rush things before he knows if he wants to commit or not. Our community thrives when we help each other. then she went to some place outside canada and got drunk and fucked some guy. I never want to hurt her. I was mean to him. It isnt a personal attack on anyone for gods sake let me give yall a tip, sensible or evolved scorpios NOTICE such details where theyll automatically identify anyones weak spots in their personalities, be it gemini or other stupid scorpios or any other sign. I will only start to love after i get married So the person i would love is my husband I dont care whether he is a scorpio or taurus etc Before marriage i will try get to know him for several yearsbut I will still maintain my dignity.. Because it is very precious and i will loose it to the person i love the most and only to him(my husband) . They are loyal, trustworthy, and devoted individuals who make for some really good boyfriends and husbands. We have managed to find Our Own. I dont want to loose him, what do I do. Im not the typical Gemini, in the sense of socializing. Gemini Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. The first 2 were full of drama and enjoying the arguments and unnecessary stress but if u have a who is calm and aware of himself, u shouldnt argue except for the important thingswe all argue but doing it healthy is another thing and most people regardless of sign dnt know how. The thing about them is that they dont let pride get in the way of doing what needs to be done. My scorpio and I are both introverts, and are happy sitting at home playing video games. These people generally give great importance to aesthetics and refinement. They understand that no one is perfect, and they arent looking for perfection in their partner. He never planned on being w someone that has child w someone else. He is a know-it-all. I can get any girl I want, but for some reason I want to give her another chance, and want her to just stop hurting. Im a Scorpio dating a married Gemini female. He had become a bit of a fixation for me, having put up such a thick barrier around himself, piquing my curiosity even more. They dont rush into relationships, but carefully select the right person to share their lives with. Although a free spirited person i dud not give up. She offered me hers, but I wont take them. Gemini woman here, with a scorpio man. And one thing Scorpios. A part of me will love him until the day I die, and even after. I just enjoy her time and company, but Im learning to understand that she has to be independent sometimes. Could their differences help them balance each other, or are they more likely to tear this couple apart? They might not like change, but when something stops working out for them, they know how to deal with it in a way that will allow them to figure out what to do next. It was really odd somethinflg about him really caught my mind and fascination. I just met a Scorpian manwhat a breath of fresh air. A scorpio and me are very close. They trust in themselves, their strengths, and also what they believe in. They say the friendship is either never a friendship or a friendship to reckon with. Mostly Geminis are not ready to be togheter with a Scorpio in the beginning, but the main reason for that is that we dont like to be confronted with our weak spots. These two would not be worried about falling in love and will focus more on staying in love. I hope it works out for you. Highly imaginative and creative, these people like variety and keep exploring various options. so after that i asked her like i dont think you like mei never said thatand she said im going to blah blah and we can see each other when i come back. Now, Air signs have an overly happy butterfly behaviour& theres no problem with it. Fire signs can be stupid af, but still scorps like them, its bcoz they dnt care. my scorpian man took me in when my daughter and I was homeless. Here are ten reasons why Scorpio men always come back. We are loyal, understanding and compassionate to the right people. Each situation with a Scorpio has brought so much pain but I am so happy Ive had the chance to love them. I need a honest balanced relationship with No secrets (Id rather know the painful truth) .. It so happened that me and my bf broke up because he chose his career over me and left town without even telling me his plans. Ive even sent him articles on his sign and he never knew about himself so it was an eye opener for him. Ask him to come order a drink at the bar with you or step outside at a party so the two of you can get some 1-on-1 time away from the crowd. People always have this perception of geminis where they feel we come off as egotistical and emotionless when its the exact opposite. Even planned to move in together back in November but decided the time wasnt right So i was kind of hurt and backed off from him for some months but I couldnt stop thinking bout himSo I reached out to him and he was so excited tht I was communicating with him again because I was ignoring his calls and texts Anywho on Saturday he told me he loved me and I was to shocked to reply I dont want to put myself out there again But I really love him too Its scary because this (love) happened in such a short time, as u say were d most hard to know sign and i dont think we even know what goes on in each others minds when we meet a fellow gemini..but i dissagree with the female gs always in fantasy land comment.. and the two faceited rep..i try 2 see things from both sides.. its called empathy. but when it comes to true love with gemini will they be loyal even without dating? What I tried in my relationships is to ask my partner for help in better communication. If you have a fight, go different ways and talk it out later. Now he was veeeery Happy to help me because it annoyed him, ofcourse, but because I opened myself in being able to learn from him helped me in a way no one ever could before. I truly believe he is my soulmate. But U CANT ESCAPE SMTHNG WHICH IS A DEFAULT PART OF U, be it sex, ur emotions, ur true self or ur own darkness. I was in a similar situation with my gemeni girl. While that's true for most of their exes, there are three zodiac signs Scorpio will likely regret breaking up with. Being a single mother is a humbling life experience. When a Scorpio man makes a mistake, he doesnt make excuses. so then thats where it started we started on and off fighting not even seeing each other basically.. just texting and phone.. so she all of a sudden starts talking to one of my other buddies cuz she was hanging out with him alot then i find out then i was soo bummed again, so then i started talking to her in front of the guy she was seeing but i dont think it was all tooo serious soo i guess from then and there we kinda been talking alot more clearly and more meaningful/ understanding.. so i have not had sex with this girl and i want it to be the right time and not forced or anything but after that i started trying to talk to her and stuff and she been enjoying me for sure and i want to be able to trust her but she has partys nd stuff at her hyouse nd i am not able to go over because i have a broken collar bone so i have been just sitting at home.. but she called me the other week and was talking to her and telling her some deep stuff but i dont think she oculd handle deep.. so we hung out at my buddies just me and her and some friends and it was amazing i knew we had such a connection and i think she kinda feels overwhelmed with my emotions maybe. Its interesting. Be honest,loyal,stop flirting other guys,the ask him what you gonna do so that his trust come back. Stop cheating on him and stop flirting with other guys! Now, get thisI am over 50 years old and so is he. He tells me he loves me all the time and Ive seen his possessiveness and jealousy a lot lately. Ive never met a person I could not read in an instant. That doesnt not mean you cant be his guiding light. Im Gemini, 23 years old. When i confronted him about it he answered i fell out of love with you a long time ago (a gemini trait). The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. And even show him that not only with words but also with actions. Since then, we became close friends. She has a book i gave her, so she said that shell meet & mentioned abt returning the book. Which means we need to test your fatal flaw to see how bad it really is and test ourselves to see if we can manage it. In the initial stages, he will find this woman really very charming and attractive which will enhance scorpio gemini relationship, but after some time, he may soon realise the importance of this humongous decision of being with her forever, and may start having second thoughts about it. It wasnt even a proper experience, but they say it right that scorpios definitely transform you as a stronger person. I hope and wish you best . He asks me all the time what am I doing where am I going who is this person who is that person, as wonderfully communicative as Geminis are we do have a knack for soothing the trust issues and calm down our Scorpios because he stops and moves on from his initial self-inflicting wounds of jealousy. He doesnt pressure me at all. The same with that we talk a lot, but with many words we couldnt say less. Im also loud and slightly obnoxious at times. what do i do? Maybe not so much in a Scorpios case but hes not going to feel this way about someone unless he is sure about them. Although a free spirited person i did not give up. We talked and it was wierd because we were never that close. The Scorpio man is determined, and when he knows what he wants, he does whatever it takes to make it happen. He may very well choose to make that choice at some point in the relationship for obvious reasons. Im a Gemini woman and believe this might be true about the Scorpio male, as Im finding out today. It takes a strong will and commitment to be with one person. I went to college and finished my degree. We were friends for years and for 11 yrs weve been husband and wife. Required fields are marked *. He begins to stay in contact with you and asks about your day and life, and this proves how much he wants to be with you. Look at all the other comments here, so similar. Shes intelligent, kind, Witty and smart, and I love every single bit of herShe says she hates me in a good way, and I really dnt knw what to thinkshe would tell me a lot of peronal and secret things, and I sure do try my best to demisify her any conflicting, hurting or difficult thoughts and feelings, well, at least I think I do, cos after the talks she gets some of the happiest Ive ever seen her,dont want to get my hopes up though. Im a Gemini female, and have been with Scorpio men. Sagittarius Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? This is what they do bro & then FORGET SHIT. Scorpios are stubborn, but theyre also flexible. Most of these ladies explaining themselves here about how so deep & emotional they are & yeah, I get what they mean, but still Why do u always keep running away from every goddamn thinggg?? When I develop a connection with my partner, I love whole heartedly, and will put my all into the relationship. Im curious. They both enjoy promising love and always honor and cherish their relationship in the heaven of passion and romance where angels sing for them and fairies shower them with glittering stars and soft blossoms. Pisces Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? If he keeps seeing you around, it will be harder for him to move on. He is willing to take his time to make sure its a healthy relationship for both of them no matter how long it takes, and that means he does have your best interest at heart. These men are some of the most passionate of all zodiac signs and they wont hesitate to let you know about it. Communication is easy for us geminis, but we tend to go different ways in our opinion too much and thats dificult for a steady scorpio. Scorpios know that you can tell a lot about someone by their book cover, and they tend to like to get right to the good stuff. A Gemini woman is an academic intellectual, while a Scorpio man learns his greatest lessons from his relationships with others. Understanding what Scorpio men want is important when dealing with them. As long as the scorpio is interested in maintaining such relationship of course, I am only a gemini woman, what would I know I am no psyhic here :)) best of luck! Before i met my scorpio guy i used to date so many guys, even at the same time. Her one serious thing was my scorpio friend, the guy literally asked her on their first meeting if her bday was in May or June & that did she like maths, both being true, didnt surprise me as he does his detective/psychic thing all the time. Thinks that others should cater to him. Scorpio men are not the types to break their word. When you do as a Gemini you have a partner for life with Scorpio. In the beginning, man, he chased me (we were co-workers) and he never made a move, just became good friends with me. The relationship in a Gemini man and Scorpio woman love compatibility is quite an amusing amalgamation as he belongs to the Air sign and she, on the other hand, belongs to the Water sign. Loving the fascinating Gemini He is intense, suspicious and quite a jealous creature in any relationship. She told me that she had to come back once to pick up her stuff. We look far and wide for the very few people we know we can love. So youre dating a Scorpio man. Read about his life, his whole story is super scorpionic. We fight a lot, but there is such a deep connection and bond that its worth it. wish gemini women were a lil bit less wanderingdunno what to do coz i love her so. Plant a seed, water it, give it sun, watch it grow to something beautiful. i am EVERYTHiNG it says iM and MORE!! They dont play games; theyre direct and honest individuals who are on a mission to find their soul mate. We are just more guarded. This is because we ARE the key, the living breathing key that naturally unlocks the living breathing vault of Scorpio. She looks at it like a game, a pleasant pastime, nothing too serious and definitely not something that should be dealt with on a deep level. We will always work things out with those we love and are loyal to the death. and after i broke it off he went away for three months. It has definitely been an interesting ride for us. A Scorpio and a Gemini will likely be instantly drawn to each other when they first meet because they both have magnetic personalities. They know that theyre worth it and that it is okay to make mistakes, and theyre willing to admit when theyve done so. So dont judge us when we tell you our deep side, instead give advice. Scorpios are well aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and talentsthey know what it takes for them to succeed in both business and relationships. Hmmm Im just hitting it up with a scorpio man. I gathered up all of our hotel receipts printed off every message (48 pages worth) and was going to bring them to her husbands work I was going to force him to swing on me and then demolish him. We need to know that you care about it just as much as we do, and you are willing to put energy into it. The case isnt that different with other gemini friends I have, its like they are on this hunt to find some happiness, but deny it when its right in front of them. Hes with a Scorpio woman now & oh they make everyone else feel jealous. Coz Im a scorpio,where can I search about this scorp evolved 7 stages? Gemini is one of the most communicative signs of the entire zodiac. The typical Gemini woman is very intellectual and curious, and a complicated, brooding Scorpio man will intrigue her. The last and final barrior is my precious daughter. But this is simply the painful irony of a heart that loves so few. They will likely separate and get back together at least once before they sever ties completely. I had since moved on from him and thought I let go but the past few months, I am not kidding when I say he is all I can think about. Then he tried to hurt me for months, its like everything he did was to see how I woukds react!! They are still married 50 years later and love each other. Its most definitely a Spiritual Love and its hard for even us to understand. These people generally do not hold grudges against anyone for. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. I believe its alk in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. He is my soulmate and we are planning our future together and I love it and I couldnt be happier. He takes his time and gets to know you to make sure that you are the right person for him. He craves a deeper emotional connection than she can provide, which prevents them from having an ideal sex life. Because our road was so bumpy in the begining, we didnt have children the first 6 years of our marraige. Sometimes i found it fun and sometimes i used to get home feeling sad because i needed a soul-mate. My most in depth love has (is) with Scorpio. Your description of the way WE, as Gemini women, love is perfect. Anything you've done with him and any of your act is make him interesting with you. There has to be a reason they are coming back. Hes hates being the center of attention and when we are out I draw attention with my personality but hes the love of my life and Im thankful for his grounded nature, it helps me not be so flighty. For him, guessing all the possible outcomes is . I never liked him because he was arrogant, but hes really intelligent and good looking too. I honestly dont know what to do. We both early 20s still trying to figure life out that I think I wasnt secure enough for him even though he kept saying he didnt want anything serious. Im just now entering early adulthood and I still love him even though we no longer communicate. Ill be the first to admit as a Gemini I am ridiculously flighty, completely unpredictable, and sure as hell have a hard time EVER apologizing. Though Scorpios like to take their time, theyre not afraid of commitment when theyve found the right person. That too after flirting with my own friends? They like to go into every encounter knowing that they can trust the other person and know that they will never do anything out of line. The communication sag trait was not there. Let me ask you, as a Scorpio knows best, would someone responding in an extremely calm manner to your angry rants piss you off? They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. 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