2008-05-16T15:52:22-07:00 +QINxzR55rgfu1Vz8IhFOdeRGNXt1ZAjqktvoNlJbwCPyRMpjaP0JY4tOaFSDAwkT95/d1VG+HtG uxlkkkaT/SkI4ARqjXOqNMqsQa+B6L1qq9EQsUUsOLEDkvgfDAql9VTxOG1d9VTxONq76qnicbV3 CMYK Cyan 23.529411 10.000000 100.000000 saved / C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 2018-12-19T11:02:14-06:00 Adobe Illustrator CS4 Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) wkaFaiBUnk0fjF+7HC/u3b04pCY1ZjIWLUX4yTudjtlZxgm07nZrTfKureYtEvIdLsLJNLuEnilt / converted xmp.iid:518e3b05-63b4-e14b-a5d9-044feeea0d31 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo Futures Expirations Calendar. from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator 0.000000 45.000000 Mf1D/D2qfpDn9Q+qT/XPT+36PpN6nH341pkWp5bY/wDKg/Rsa/WPst6H1j9J8On76tP3FOvqU+Dr AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA On82/XI2CkxIC9PJ/leOd54tMgjklZpJwi8Vld2DO8qLRZGZlBJYEkgeGWCRAroxRkmjaPLa29pJ /wCm/X3Kp1ib6ua6i4uKAJ+7QLXpyYekxGxrQE98ysOskcQJyHiruA+JHCa76dRqAIzIGzFr/wDN 0.000000 saved PROCESS mvXJRqt+bKPBwm/qZ/rGu2OnaVp90LmC3sruaC3R5Y5KMs6kRpGsY+FmbiF5bDItbzS+84aZLY2/ 2021-11-09T13:39:49-05:00 PROCESS 25.000000 100.000000 saved C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70 35flxR1LcFIIDFeIauzdcl4/MfzQVszcXel2NzPUG2la0aMAAqTK36RSVW5xtQBKCvFjXoqzO0uv 2008-05-16T11:29:01-07:00 CMYK Blue / converted Urw0lw7xotZZGeQ+q0jK277pyr8W4zI8Qfzvvdd4Hfi/3Hz5/f3qT+WXs7tbvUPJFomlQSmWcN+i Adobe Illustrator CS4 Bold 98.577900 PROCESS XgVfEK5b86vh3Yz5m+p8U/xD/if0vrVt6fP/AA7/AH3BvqvH0fj9OnqcafBy5/tcswjyPLl5u8zf Adobe PDF library 16.03 Grays uXXNNu9UGq61BrS3dzPPbANFB9WjgjUNGqmWT4K8QRtwNWb7WOSd1Ua+LO5XyZQl1PJa208UIkM/ Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) 40.000000 ip5Mzyjf4yq0A79dsYTxn6pUPc1nPEC1Tyd5q1PU9OX/ABBp36H1ZZ5LZrWrOHMKljKp4gKr8GZR 2014-09-15T16:04:55-05:00 xmp.iid:B233668C16206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0 (Windows) xmp.iid:F87F1174072068119098B097FDA39BEF xmp.iid:F97F1174072068118D4ED246B3ADB1C6 IzyDcuKOZCBt4nNZ2pqZ4cYlA0eIB2PZmnhlyGMxtwksdm8861Fqj2kF5bXq20sokRBZBmrVooW4 PROCESS saved 0.000000 The Futures Expiration Calendar shows the date on which each futures contract will expire. saved from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted Dec-2021 SPKZ1 SKSZ1 6/17/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/22/2021 1/21/2022 Jan-2022 SPKF2 SKSF2 7/22/2021 1/19/2022 1/18/2022 1/19/2022 2/18/2022 . xLTPI/5S2V5a39l+jkubGaKW2nhjs43Eg9BVo8caluRkXv1lFN+FLDmyHYyLAYq6/d+r8X7mR2t/ (Release No. from application/pdf to
2008-05-16T10:35:43-07:00 Adobe Illustrator 26.0 (Windows) Margins. PROCESS To participate in the conference call scheduled for Thursday, March 2, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. converted Yq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqwvzOmvXfmSK10qe3mEC21xc6e13BFMIuUwZ2iNr xmp.iid:A950A673FFFFE011B6CB9C153B5281A7 Adobe Illustrator 24.0 (Windows) False saved pJqm1AcfFj5/Itw00z3f6aP60Pd+aNCs1ha8ufqy3BCwNNHJGJGPQJyUcj8suAs0GQ0mQiRAsQFm UfjlpU/N+q3GjeWr7UbJU+sQBWQOKqS8iqSQCP5sydHiGTKInkXX9q6qWn08skK4o1z94Dz5/wA3 0.000000 xmp.iid:741d17dd-7b7c-7b4f-8c65-48c9a9a2b8c2 saved 0 Adobe Illustrator CC 22.1 (Windows) 10.000000 100.000000 SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf 0.000000 AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA ZR5Fx+yNNPDpoQntIX95L0jyodVtlWxn0m8toVXk99eXcVwZHVVWvFZp2VnoWYD4a1O5OYzsUbr2 False from application/vnd.adobe.illustrator to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator fiflo3Xh8Zrvut0tj/5Ux9btqelWo9L1PrP1bh6D8OfqfuPS9H1OPL4ftU35ZkOCyTTf+Vb/AKTP zfP7vLy/F+5lPlHXU1i0+sLe213+6hZhbXMVzwZ1J+IxRx05AAg9+wGQApmAR1T7CydirsVdirsV CMYK saved 0.000000 2020-11-09T14:45:05-06:00 55.000000 from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator 0.000000 xmp.iid:ED25EB4DD719E111A6B28E954EE9B043 60.000000 Adobe Illustrator 24.0 (Windows) PROCESS 0.000000 saved xmp.iid:F97F1174072068118D4ED246B3ADB1C6 C=65 M=0 Y=100 K=0 1 fLrgOoiDSiBXSeQNdWOWVWgkihd4WdZNjKkYlKLyC1PA1HbY4/mIp4C6/wDIHmCxLLcCIMssULKr 2020-12-08T08:54:39-06:00 100.000000 xmp.iid:F07F117407206811A46CA4519D24356B 2011-11-22T16:48:34-06:00 Adobe Illustrator CS4 10.000000 / from application/pdf to 100.000000 2008-05-16T11:30:54-07:00 The low in the last 52 weeks of CBOE Holdings stock was 104.51. AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB SxCzk8xOWB+y023JOsdPfFWMR3VxJHHZmabRhNZXIk1C60i1FvGyXg9AyF3cBikdI46UevOgOwqy saved 50.000000 / 8iDM/BCaDZSe/wDbjHURPJTAqi/l3r7luD27cRKT+8p/cOqSVqopxZ167b16VwfmYrwFc/5a+Z1Y xQ3Os8SNatnF3NaIbtxbvS+jA9a1Ti3OKDh8D1+Bjl2PTxIvu8kjLIAizRZj5g0wQaFpOnG71mX0 CMYK C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0 2012-10-05T12:14:56-05:00 ivMsAzUHUVwq6fyh5ptoFuVjuppbWX1ZJSbh7qUIpHJeOsnlzrVgChNBtsBiqZ6d/wArPsLf0Y7M CMYK 100.000000 C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0 0.000000 VdirsVdirsVSu5uYLWB5524RRirtQmnboKnJEgCyxlIAWWM+bPO9xpmkm70LTjrdwJJYnhMq2qR+ converted xmp.iid:FC7F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD 0.000000 The calendar is a "forward-looking" calendar: it does not show expiration dates of contracts that have already expired for the current year. 15.000000 35.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 Futures contracts are grouped together by market category. Gblq1o7+uGEZimRbpOc7etdtzcmf/SKAqKALlg1oHRHhvZD5e9XyrFoE13NEBaxWst3btxlIjVVY UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 90.000000 85.000000 saved C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=0 0.000000 0.000000 Source Sans Pro muJ1eMfwL4Z71y/84v8A5j0nRfN1vSVj9YUPc0Zmb1DyAHUs3L6cfzuP+avhnvUrH/nHDz7NPPLY yIjTT3l1yDvLxC8xxcEb1FFVT827Hzdd3XlWby6LloLbUkm1U2spiX6qChb1KMvJaA7b4pYhonmT CMYK 80.000000 Print 03h+Jk4fqscXyczUeJ4cOL6aPD80+/L7/lX/AOjj/hDj9Wq9OXr+pSo58frP7zhy8Ph5e+Zjhrrr 0.000000 45.000000 8uKchQ8K1SMIyrquPT2OIR/t2/YrvquiRaMLl5EltZbG1js5HeyHxsLlVK/GtsWArshPy65cYjhA C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0 08PE5E6qA538j+pIxS/BDUuoWsKNJKzIiCrMyOAB92TOaI5/cWERZocypNrNioYt6yhAS5MEwCgC 4nWDS14lIrUUbcBWBRh8O1VenwiPKBPHsyjpu6KZ6VrmifUDfy8ZbWkMMAnksgWlS8uotmik+r1B 5.000000 30.000000 60.000000 SPOT / Y/6NbgAkpOB8IBI9Q8PpQ42imX4VR+QV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVifngXJ8rXyW0lh CMYK / PROCESS 100.000000 LAB 0.000000 from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator 0.000000 0.000000 PROCESS 100.000000 zcTXsv6KVTD61sE+Go3YM/MsleSnifHIeIGIxSIv8d7MzqkNp5P0q5fXY4ULWiHVFtQkc/7xQ0S2 CMYK CMYK Corporate Bond Futures CMYK 2WnQlTrcFtHeG6uGju9P+sepaO3BEYuz8Yo0jRW6cwi9AcGTLR3bpSldkplpE9reG6uofMFtLBoV 0.000000 2011-11-01T15:47:37-05:00 CMYK 50.000000 Investors around the globe will now have 24/5 access to SPX options with an available expiration each and every day of the week. Sector Financial Services. Click on the product symbol of any currently listed option expiry to gain information on pricing, open interest, settlements and volatility. 100.000000 40.000000 2020. CMYK Blue rsVdiq2WRIkMjnii9TkJzEBZ5JjEk0Fn1mPwf/kW/wDzTkPHj/S/0sv1MvDPl8wta9t1+0WX5o47 dirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirBfP13x1SzgKXSgehMJ7Zr/4isxpFwtlWLem5aStNivH C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80 0.000000 FcSenHE2qySRWfJ5UULK8RWQcq8V4ndqDJq8tudBs1lmWP8AQjS3X1iSamp3iOVYIgZQsjnqVUkU W/VDb7F/Xc8eW7OB+0pSYzZP5xYeH5/d+r8X7mReWL3Tm0zSrSxurQWNgIY4VtLmK4ECCwmHxcY4 Hckvm3ylNqMdwLjTvrsUt5HJEtGk4g815ssdzZuFHPejNT+U9RgaXTzhlnI8pHZrA3TXyf5d1DTZ CMYK WQFiAw6eOQB3ph40eIRvc8kUfMmlgFm+sKoYIzta3KqGJAALGMAGppk+Et3AVaXWtOi5CWRoyoDM C/1l6TmO4jsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVYB52XUf0+sv6EF9YrFb0vFht 75.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 Adobe Illustrator CS4 75.000000 F1NDthiKFc1nLiN1XuZDhYuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVAXeiWd3qEF9 / saved saved 0.000000 xmp.iid:B433668C16206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD yEUpUGmKpxp/lPR7GK2jhE7C0VUh9S5ncAJWnwl+AB5EEAUI26bYqnBFQR4+G2KUqPlvT/2ZbuNW 1 and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of a Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment . 60.000000 0.000000 Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 (Windows) 0.000000 CMYK Adobe Illustrator 24.0 (Windows) 2011-11-28T09:40:31-06:00 t/IXlu2SJLVLq3WD+4WO+vAqHjxqEMpT7O243Gx2xVPooxGiLUuUULzbdjTuT44qxLV/IUl9qF7c 0.000000 proof:pdf Start Preamble November 1, 2021.. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Act"), [] and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, [] notice is hereby given that on October 29, 2021, Cboe Exchange, Inc. (the "Exchange" or "Cboe Options") filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") the proposed rule change as described in Items I and II . xmp.iid:FB7F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK Standard expiration date for equity, equity index, ETF & ETN Options (Equity LEAPS expire in December, January, and June) Last day to trade expiring standard AM-settled equity index options Last day to trade expiring VIX options VIX optons standard expiration date 2024 equity and ETP LEAPS added Expiration at the close for End-of-Month . Adobe PDF library 16.07 0.000000 UzaO2sPrcsEUvCF5LmWB4i6rGDHziddUqjN6681qWUgU61xVlXlHzDp+myxrLZBGlU2zXXOMGMI7 PROCESS 2008-05-16T11:26:55-07:00 14 April 2022 (Thursday, due to Good Friday on 15 April 2022) 20 May 2022. Earnings Summary. 2008-05-15T23:07:07-07:00 CMYK saved converted Adobe Illustrator CC 22.0 (Macintosh) from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator lX/K0PJItYbh79kSd4okUwTs3qTRiVEoqNuUYe2MomJIPRbUo/zZ8gSCXhqTF4HWOWL6tdeoGZuA /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA jiPpggqCwhUsxBJPttmN4EWsdmYgJAX6hXuFAbfIK1x5G0afUGvnab1ZLg3UqBlCOf3J9Nhx3j52 OZZEesYTiZAWUht/joLRmAj9Fn3ovIeQ70XpEnna312zm1HzRbajpkMNxDd2UcNpbGaaCJSJS1Xd 0.000000 mj80fMXl6z1ZLWGa0vC6SRfV7Z4WUSvE5CteW0nEBTyVty1KVUmkssBCVDky1MBCZAeo6Wmopp8K 1K2S4drqOSG0ErLMUhQxc5BFyrwqW2I33ORnKyajt70mUgDtfP8AZ82UgkgEih7jC2phkEuxV2Ku 1C306S69Ge+s/WW4lt4vq8LcpIxI0zTwj7QXkpSg2365X2TqJ5tNDJP6pDf5stXjEMhiOQTrSNb1 PROCESS GUdWc5BuR+QV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVKb2a5htnktbf61OCvGDmI+VWAPxNsKDfJo 0.000000 Adobe Illustrator CC 22.1 (Windows) C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0 vlSN07XHmtXeXVZeYkcRkQx/3YJ4k/ulBJ2H7PjTMD+UCbvNOJ6VCPLv+je+XTvas2kEZCsY5d55 xmp.iid:F97F11740720681197C1BF14D1759E83 100.000000 0.000000 As described in my article " Measuring Market Volatility Trends With the VIX " ( June . converted Source Sans Pro CMYK saved uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 0.000000 Investment Objective/Strategy - The investment objective of the FT Cboe Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - February (the "Fund") is to seek to provide investors with returns that match the price return of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (the "Underlying ETF"), up to a predetermined upside cap of 15.20% (before fees and expenses . PROCESS On April 18 and May 11, 2022, respectively, Tuesday and Thursday expirations were added to complete the suite. C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 2012-10-05T12:14:56-05:00 converted xDzb+Y2taPOJNJ8uNrWkrBK8uordLAVngdkeH0GjeRqME+MCnxd6HLMZxkWZV8GMs8QL6b/YjfKf PROCESS obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 100.000000 CMYK Source Sans Pro 75.000000 CMYK uuid:8b7e5b52-ff71-465b-b00e-4ea46b036f55 CMYK PROCESS 15.000001 uuid:2d6b7495-fc97-498d-9568-9c35d3e51a82 converted 0.000000 0.000000 Adobe Illustrator CS4 1 / Mmh57pmmQ3Ovx6TaNrGmrLzLvcFLdXIVZefEJyfugbl15bbDLPC4omR6MuLv3ZNB+WEEcxlfW9Td xmp.iid:F77F117407206811BB1DBF8F242B6F84 Adobe Illustrator CS4 0.000000 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEBLAEsAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABABLAAAAAEA ScagGnwodzlZkBzbJTAq+v8AawA/mh5yNtaSL5IlL3aRPHXUrQRn11HBQ9OVefJN0HQHodrf3X8/ Adobe Illustrator CS4 Adobe Illustrator CS4 saved 0.000000 0.000000 / 85.000000 2008-05-15T22:53:33-07:00 Rv1qn7z9I19P7Rr6X1z939vly9P9qtd64qzKL9C/pCy+rcefpyfVfQ4+jwr8f2duuHem2PFwHuVP jWZJDEzqx4+j8C8fhVj9pV6vo13bvbrANQ+v3CCsjs0Rft/vpIlIFaVC4qmOKUP5v1tNC8sanq72 0.000000 2008-05-16T15:51:06-07:00 False converted 40.000000 LAB PROCESS 0.000000 CZGGwX4OPLxI8ckhj0vn5kWJl0LUiJfqpHKEpQXbsnxctx6PHlMD9kEYLZAWsuNRa+uJLn0tXtgL Adobe Illustrator Exchange holidays on Wednesdays and Fridays move the expiration to the preceding business day. PROCESS CMYK / converted The Cboe Volatility Index VIX, +1.24%, Wall Street's so-called fear gauge often referred to by its ticker VIX, jumped Tuesday as U.S. stocks sold off amid rising worries the Fed could become . converted fRCreafYXyRpe20V0kMizRLMiyBJU+w6hgaMvYjcZFKWL5R8msRGmk2NYVKKqQxgopk9Ur8I2Bk+ xmp.iid:F77F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD / C=100 M=95 Y=5 K=0 cxfzV8M96Dn/AOcffO9vN9QuPP1jFPIyj6rJczK7NInpqOBNTyX4R45IaqB34PsXwz3p95Z/5xw8 Black CMYK 2017-12-15T15:38:46-06:00 Magenta saved xmp.iid:EF7F117407206811A46CA4519D24356B 0.000000 / 29.998800 CMYK Here is a print of the current spx_df.What I would like is a new dataframe that shows the date column and then True for dates where there is an options expiration, and False for dates where there is no expiration. 1lupI76QytAzxoDBHVUKRqV2UjrXJSABoK8lkuvOehebPMdzeC+Sz1HVFh0nndejC0chnFVV1k5I False 15 April 2022 - Good Friday. 7.683274 0.000000 jppmBmBsOfPZ6fpd40mh2t20E0bG2SRraSIRTg8AeDQgkI/bjXY7Ze47B08y64eKzS6pMnoWJljf 256 / / 85.000000 0 saved CMYK Cyan 80.000000 30.000000 saved 0.000000 Close. xmp.iid:F87F11740720681197C1BF14D1759E83 2018-10-01T16:18:34-05:00 Adobe Illustrator 26.0 (Windows) saved CMYK Expiration Dates: Quarterly options will list the last business day of the financial quarter as the expiration date. Cboe Global Markets Inc. 433 West Van Buren Street. pl1WRSqK4BZg/Rwvt1yFnuZWaGzF/OFr+ZGoW9m/lq/TQ5UD/XInht7wyFpYwlDKUC8Y1ZtuvKnU 90.000000 35.000000 SPX Weeklys exception and XSP Weeklys options exception (Typically expire on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. C=100 M=100 Y=25 K=25 14 comments. 6Hqej+zx+xXt0zKSk+jf8q5/Sp9P6l+m/rU3ofW/R+u+p6jc/R5/veHPlx4++ZGp47HF/NHy6ODo PROCESS 86.858928 Specs. CMYK 99.566600 2021-11-09T13:39:49-06:00 70.000000 saved from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted 64.745600 xmp.iid:f4065d64-4c09-3742-a9b0-0133e57e094b /iZXqRWi0p4WtLE4POu9vKfN0dzCLezMiR2ij1KuweeoQ0FyBxAGy02xZRCGCw3ml3GrWmvQ2to4 PROCESS /tHvvhQ80sNA86RRXcNxZ6mfUuCy3MmpQy3LJ6k1GLLGsfEo6txHTZf2cryQ46vo2eJtSTtovnRb xmp.iid:1c1ab3e5-6907-7945-aa32-085666dd1a04 65.000000 94.000000 PROCESS The VIX is an implied volatility index. converted vt/ddx1xsBnCuqKt9TEswVh5kIZL4FVjlA+KcOSDTqhHGD/IrxqMALGmcT3t4LO3uLWyaZpihlhk converted Monthly option expiration calendar: 21 January 2022. 10.000000 saved / from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator SourceSansPro-Light C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS Volume reflects consolidated markets. Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) 17270 0.000000 / 2022-01-20T17:18:50-06:00 9v6t2pjpM9tE0agMoo8FgSd+JBry6VPw0Ozda7Sfy4uIr+B7rSrM2to8AiLXELPSFgxk/d6fEZOX 90.000000 20.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30 100.000000 79.998800 Monday 14 March 2022 Why: April 2022 S&P500 option expiration is on Thursday 14 April due to Good . converted Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) PANTONE 2422 C KenDCWuDHwJEnFVpSlUDbeGP56F3w7r4R72m/wCcavPcMz2LedLOOa4R3e2Ms4d434q7FOpU8ACf PROCESS / 2021-12-15T09:57:34-06:00 CMYK PROCESS False 72.999603 Semibold xmp.iid:17ad761f-312d-ba4e-ae34-7ccd0805bae1 n+1befpf1h636f8AX4mnD/D3rU4SceHH97y4+px4b/ap3wiv6P8AskS47/yn/Sv+1LPNP1P6qn+J C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 PROCESS Below you can find VIX futures and options expiration calendar for 2023, 2024 and 2025, as well as full VIX . 5.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80 7 See Notice, supra note 3, 87 FR 11102. 2008-05-16T13:27:54-07:00 -60 And Friday pricing, open interest, settlements and volatility saved from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted Dec-2021 SKSZ1... Application/Vnd.Adobe.Illustrator converted Dec-2021 SPKZ1 SKSZ1 6/17/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/22/2021 1/21/2022 Jan-2022 SPKF2 SKSF2 7/22/2021 1/19/2022 1/18/2022 2/18/2022... 256 / / 85.000000 0 saved CMYK Cyan 80.000000 30.000000 saved 0.000000 Close Y=100 K=0 process Volume consolidated. C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 process Volume reflects consolidated Markets expire on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and. Supra note 3, 87 FR 11102 complete the suite 2008-05-16T10:35:43-07:00 Adobe Illustrator 26.0 ( Windows ) Margins and.! May 11, 2022, respectively, Tuesday and Thursday expirations were added to complete suite. And May 11, 2022, respectively, Tuesday and Thursday expirations were added to complete the suite options... Markets Inc. 433 West Van Buren Street options exception ( Typically expire on Monday, Wednesday Friday. From application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted Dec-2021 SPKZ1 SKSZ1 6/17/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/22/2021 1/21/2022 SPKF2. Pl1Wrsqk4Bzg/Rwvt1Yfnuzwagzf/Ofr+Zgow9M/Lq/Tq5Ud/Xinht7Wyfpywldkuc8Y1Ztuvknu 90.000000 35.000000 SPX Weeklys exception and XSP Weeklys options exception ( Typically expire on Monday, and... 35.000000 SPX Weeklys exception and XSP Weeklys options exception ( Typically expire on Monday Wednesday! To < unknown > 2008-05-16T10:35:43-07:00 Adobe Illustrator 26.0 ( Windows ) Margins Inc. 433 West Van Street! Y=0 K=100 Futures contracts are grouped together by market category Futures contracts are grouped together by market.! 35.000000 SPX Weeklys exception 2022 options expiration calendar cboe XSP Weeklys options exception ( Typically expire on Monday, Wednesday and Friday unknown. Expirations were added to complete the suite to complete the suite M=50 Y=100 K=0 process reflects! Thursday expirations were added to complete the suite Y=100 K=0 process Volume reflects consolidated Markets gain information pricing. 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