A third attempt in early 1878 again passed the House, and eventually both houses after being amended in the Senate. When you come before us and tell us that we shall disturb your business interests, we reply that you have disturbed our business interests by your action. Cross of Gold speech, classic of American political oratory delivered on July 8, 1896, by William Jennings Bryan in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during the campaign for the presidential election of 1896. "[24], In the aftermath of the 1894 election, the silver forces, led by Altgeld and others, began an attempt to take over the machinery of the Democratic Party. Senators, Bryan rose to speak. Cross of Gold Speech - Analysis | Milestone Documents - Milestone Documents William Jennings Bryan: "Cross of Gold" Speech Log in to see the full document and commentary. Other copies or versions of these images might be available elsewhere. This teaching guide helps instructors use a specific primary source set, Patronage and Populism: The Politics of the Gilded Age, in the classroom. [38] On the evening of July 5, Bryan was visited by a delegation of Coloradans, seeking his support for Senator Teller. "[89] The New York Times disparaged Bryan as "the gifted blatherskite from Nebraska". Source: Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1896, (Logansport, Indiana, 1896), 226234. When McKinley and his advisers, such as industrialist and future senator Mark Hanna, realized that the views were more than transitory, they began intensive fundraising from corporations and the wealthy. Although his statements nominally responded to a point made by Russell, Bryan had thought of the argument the previous evening, and had not used it in earlier speeches. . However, he stated, facing towards the gold delegates, "when you come before us and tell us that we are about to disturb your business interests, we reply that you have disturbed our business interests by your course. He says that mankind won't be crucified on a cross of gold. The response, wrote one reporter, came like one great burst of artillery. Men and women screamed and waved their hats and canes. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. In a speech called "Cross of Gold," it is difficult to ignore the religious imagery that Bryan employs. Many in the public saw the bonds as benefiting bankers, not the nation. Mr. Carlisle said in 1878 that this was a struggle between the idle holders of idle capital and the struggling masses who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the country; and my friends, it is simply a question that we shall decide upon which side shall the Democratic Party fight. In 1921 (25 years after the original speech), he recorded portions of the speech for Gennett Records in Richmond, Indiana. Forward-Looking Statements Except for historical information, this presentation may contain certain "forward-looking statements". [98] The Democratic candidate failed to gain a majority of the labor vote; McKinley won in working-class areas as well as wealthy precincts. Jones deemed the Democrats likely to nominate a candidate who would appeal to the Populist Party, and Bryan had been elected to Congress with Populist support. Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook, Inc.) Co-founder and co-CEO of Chan Zuckerberg Initiative . Our website may have some collections that include images that are in the public domain, not protected by copyright or where the copyright ownership is unknown. If they tell us that the gold standard is the standard of civilization, we reply to them that this, the most enlightened of all nations of the earth, has never declared for a gold standard, and both the parties this year are declaring against it. Bryan is arguing against the gold standard and so he isn't apt to paint gold in those idyllic terms. "[67] Harpine suggested that, "by appealing in such an uncompromising way to the agrarian elements and to the West, Bryan neglected the national audience who would vote in the November election". They went away apologetically, not having known Bryan sought the nomination. But we stand here representing people who are the equals before the law of the largest cities in the state of Massachusetts. The financial Panic of 1893 intensified the debates, and when President Grover Cleveland (a Democrat) continued to support the gold standard against the will of much of his party, activists became determined to take over the Democratic Party organization and nominate a silver-supporting candidate in 1896. The Akron Journal and Republican, no friend to Bryan, opined that "never probably has a national convention been swayed or influenced by a single speech as was the national Democratic convention". [33] Silver forces were supported by the Democratic National Bimetallic Committee, the umbrella group formed in 1895 to support silver Democrats in their insurgency against Cleveland. Bryan, having established the right of silver supporters to petition, explained why that petition was not to be denied: It is for these that we speak. The Republican Party platform for the election, formulated at its convention in St. Louis in June, declared, We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency. When the Democrats gathered a few weeks later, their platform called for the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold. In an eloquent plea for the coinage of silver and an attack on the thesis that gold was the only sound backing for currency, Bryan closed with the peroration, you shall not press down on the brow of labor this crown of thorns. The Cross of Gold speechwas delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representativefrom Nebraska, at the Democratic National Conventionin Chicagoon July 9, 1896. Nevertheless, Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia was by an overwhelming vote elected temporary chairman, and a Committee on Credentials was appointed that seated Bryan and his contesting Nebraska delegation.[47]. [39], Despite the desire of silver delegates to nominate a candidate who shared their beliefs, and although several states instructed their delegates to vote for a specific candidate, there was no overwhelming favorite for the nomination going into the convention. Our silver Democrats went forth from victory unto victory, until they are assembled now, not to discuss, not to debate, but to enter up the judgment rendered by the plain people of this country. [106] Historian R. Hal Williams suggested that the opposite philosophy, of legislation for the masses leading to prosperity for all, advocated by Bryan in his speech, informed the domestic policies of later Democratic presidents, including Franklin Roosevelt with his New Deal.[107]. Angered by Cleveland's actions in the labor dispute, and by his uncompromising stand against silver, Altgeld began to organize Democrats against Cleveland's renomination in 1896. [49][50], Delegates, as they waited for the committees to complete their work, spent much of the first two days listening to various orators. Three months later, at Memphis, an organization was perfected, and the silver Democrats went forth openly and boldly and courageously proclaiming their belief and declaring that if successful they would crystallize in a platform the declaration which they had made; and then began the conflict with a zeal approaching the zeal which inspired the crusaders who followed Peter the Hermit. Political cartoons are generally regarded as a hypertrophied imagination of the political or social reality of the particular time epoch. Even so, in 1900, Congress passed the Gold Standard Act, formally placing the United States on that standard. . Pamphlet. [9], To advocates of what became known as free silver, the 1873 act became known as the "Crime of '73". . The late 19th century saw divergent views in economics as the laissez-faire orthodoxy was questioned by younger economists, and both sides found ample support for their views from theorists. Delegates threw hats, coats, and handkerchiefs into the air. BRYAN: CROSS OF GOLD. The Democratic party has won the greatest success in its history. I stand with Jefferson rather than with them, and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business. "[92], When McKinley heard that Bryan was likely to be the nominee, he called the report "rot" and hung up the phone. Historian James A. Barnes, in his historical journal article pointing out myths that have arisen about Bryan's candidacy and campaign, stated that Bryan's efforts bore fruit even before the convention: By April, 1896, many individuals were quietly working for Bryan's nomination. The silver campaign of 1896 was a big controversy among the people. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error. The speech was given at the Democratic National Convention, so the audience was pledged delegates from the 50 states of the US so that . Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.[76]. He says that we are opposing the national bank currency. [6] Silver was now undervalued at the Mint; accordingly little was presented for striking into money. According to Jones, it was clear that Bland could not win, and that Bryan could not be stopped. He then defended the remainder of the platform, though only speaking in general terms. Never before in the history of this country has there been witnessed such a contest as that through which we have passed. In his address, Bryan supported "free silver" (i.e. [91] He received many letters from supporters, expressing their faith in him in stark terms. If they say bimetallism is good, but that we cannot have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetallism, and then let England have bimetallism because the United States has it. It is because no private character, however pure, no personal popularity, however great, can protect from the avenging wrath of an indignant people the man who will either declare that he is in favor of fastening the gold standard upon this people, or who is willing to surrender the right of self-government and place legislative control in the hands of foreign potentates and powers. Why doesnt he tell us what he is going to do if they fail to secure an international agreement. Bryan, who remained at his hotel, sent word to the Nebraska delegation to make no deals on his behalf. The legislation also established the Mint of the United States. Introduction. Congress did so, but the debates showed bitter divides in both major parties between silver and gold factions. In January 1791, at the request of Congress, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton issued a report on the currency. Our ancestors, when but 3 million, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation upon earth. [36], Bryan arrived quietly and took rooms at a modest hotel; the Nebraskan later calculated that he spent less than $100 while in Chicago. The temporary chairmanship, for example, would have permitted him to deliver the keynote address. It is the issue of 1776 over again. The income tax was not unconstitutional when it was passed. 28 Monday Mar 2016. Here is the line of battle. 1896 speech by U.S. politician William Jennings Bryan in support of a bimetallic standard, William Jennings Bryan being carried on the shoulders of delegates after giving the speech, Also attributed to an 1892 speech by President, For additional detail on the political career of William Jennings Bryan before and during the 1896 campaign, see, For a fuller explanation of the procedures of American political conventions, see, Possible recording of the original speech, Audio excerpt of the speech later recorded by William Jennings Bryan, William Jennings Bryan presidential campaign, 1896, United States presidential nominating convention, William Jennings Bryan presidential campaign, 1896 General election campaign, Official Proceedings of the 1896 Democratic National Convention. Railway employees had refused to handle Pullman cars in sympathy with the strikers; this action threatened to paralyze the nation's rail lines. [57] Bryan then defended the right of silver supporters to make their argument against opposition from gold men, who were associated with financial interests, especially in the East. As a Democratic member of the Ways and Means Committee through two Congresses, Mr. Bryan was by all odds the ablest and strongest orator on the Democratic side of the House. [34], The Bimetallic Committee carefully planned to take control of every aspect of the convention, eliminating any threat that the minority gold faction could take power. "[56], As Russell concluded, to strong applause from gold delegates,[57] there was a buzz of anticipation as Bryan ascended to the podium. I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened if this were but a measuring of ability; but this is not a contest among persons. Now, my friends, let me come to the great paramount issue. [102] Bryan's emphasis on agrarian issues, both in his speech and in his candidacy, may have helped cement voting patterns which kept the Democrats largely out of power until the 1930s. I deny it. My God! Can you find the other strategies in his speech? He did for Rome what Jackson did when he destroyed the bank conspiracy and saved America. When the Republicans in June 1896 nominated former Ohio Governor William McKinley for president and passed at his request a platform strongly supporting "sound money" (the gold standard unless modified by international agreement), a number of "Silver Republicans" walked out of the convention. But in this contest, brother has been arrayed against brother, and father against son. Why this change? [63], I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened if this were a mere measuring of abilities; but this is not a contest between persons. "[60] Bensel noted, "The pump was more than primed, it was ready to explode. He favored the monetary policy . Image No. Delegates called for better-known speakers, such as Altgeld or Bryan, but were granted neither then; the Illinois governor declined, and the Nebraskan, once seated, spent much of his time away from the convention floor at the platform committee meeting at the Palmer House. Afrocentrists, Evangelicals, Hebrew-Israelites and the False Revolution. [83], The balloting began the following morning, July 10, with a two-thirds vote necessary to nominate. Nevertheless, large crowds gathered outside the public entrances; the galleries were quickly packed. Pledging support for American workers, he sought high tariffs to make foreign manufactured goods unattractive and he supported the gold standard. Political Cartoon featuring William Jennings Bryan carrying the "Cross of Gold . As Hill moved to the podium, a reporter friend passed Bryan a note urging him to make a patriotic speech without hint of sectionalism; Bryan responded, "You will not be disappointed. Lafayette, CA: d press, 1995. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 0063664 Add to Lightbox File Size: 2506 x 3240 px @300dpi Image Source Credit: GRANGER. [40], The only gold man who put together any sort of campaign for the Democratic nomination was Treasury Secretary John G. Carlisle, but he withdrew in April, stating that he was more concerned about the platform of the party than who would lead it. Bryan continued with language evoking the Civil War, telling his audience that "in this contest brother has been arrayed against brother, father against son. [63] Two alert police officers had joined Bryan as he left the podium, anticipating the crush. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. With far less money than McKinley, Bryan embarked on a nationwide campaign tour by train on a then-unprecedented scale. The Washington Post newspaper recorded, "bedlam broke loose, delirium reigned supreme. The 1896 Democratic National Convention followed events unique in post-Civil War American history. At the. He does use the word gold in a religious allusion, but it's given quite a different meaning. The silver campaign of 1896 was a big controversy among the people. American cartoon by Grant Hamilton, 1896, on William Jennings Bryan's 'Cross of Gold' speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which won Bryan the presidential nomination. It was not unconstitutional when it went before the Supreme Court for the first time. This speech, delivered at the Democratic National Convention, helped win the Bryan, former Representative to Congress for Nebraska, the presidential nomination of the Democratic party. Bryan, an advocate for free silver made a speech at the Democratic National Convention which became known as the "Cross of Gold" in his speech he spoke against the gold standard and for silver to be back as a monetary standard. Cleveland issued a statement urging Democratic voters to support goldthe next convention to be held, in Illinois, unanimously supported silver; the keynote speaker prayed for divine forgiveness for Cleveland's 1892 nomination. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic. Of these, only Senator Blackburn, a silver supporter, sparked much reaction, and that only momentary. Pro-silver forces, with congressional leaders such as Missouri Representative Richard P. Bland, sought the passage of bills to allow depositors of silver bullion to receive it back in the form of coin. One Indiana voter wrote, "God has sent you amongst our people to save the poor from starvation, and we no [sic] you will save us. I tell you that the great cities rest upon these broad and fertile prairies. On the 4th of March, 1895, a few Democrats, most of them members of Congress, issued an address to the Democrats of the nation asserting that the money question was the paramount issue of the hour; asserting also the right of a majority of the Democratic Party to control the position of the party on this paramount issue; concluding with the request that all believers in free coinage of silver in the Democratic Party should organize and take charge of and control the policy of the Democratic Party. The bankers did not want loans repaid in an inflated currencythe gold standard was deflationary, and as creditors, they preferred to be paid in such a currency, whereas debtors preferred to repay in inflated currency. [17] In his conclusion, Bryan reached back in history: When a crisis like the present arose and the national bank of his day sought to control the politics of the nation, God raised up an Andrew Jackson, who had the courage to grapple with that great enemy, and by overthrowing it, he made himself the idol of the people and reinstated the Democratic party in public confidence. It is for these that we speak. 12, 18951904: Populism, Imperialism, and Reform (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 100105. "And I needed it for the speech I was to make." Bryan traveled 18,000 miles by train to give over 600 speeches (36 in one day) to about five million people. Never before in the history of this country has there been witnessed such a contest as that through which we have just passed. We say to you that you have made too limited in its application the definition of a businessman. Upon the side of the idle holders of idle capital, or upon the side of the struggling masses? With a two-thirds vote of the delegates needed to nominate, almost every silver delegate would have to vote for the same candidate to assure success, though any organized support from gold delegates would greatly damage a silver candidate's chances. Mr. Jefferson, who was once regarded as good Democratic authority, seems to have a different opinion from the gentleman who has addressed us on the part of the minority. Never before in the history of American politics has a great issue been fought out as this issue has been by the voters themselves. I want to suggest this truth, that if the gold standard is a good thing we ought to declare in favor of its retention and not in favor of abandoning it; and if the gold standard is a bad thing, why should we wait until some other nations are willing to help us to let it go? What we need is an Andrew Jackson to stand as Jackson stood, against the encroachments of aggregated wealth. Let me assure him that not one person in all this convention entertains the least hostility to the people of the state of Massachusetts. Gold Democrats were successful in a few states in the Northeast, but had little luck elsewhere. But note the change. On the night of July 8, William Jennings Bryan revealed himself as the candidate the silverites were looking for by delivering one of the most famous speeches in American history. I had never had such an opportunity before in my life and never expect to have again. (Wikipedia). [64] According to Bensel, the self-deprecation helped disarm the delegates. The individual is but an atom; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eternal; and this has been a contest of principle. He was defeated in the general election by the Republican candidate, former Ohio governor William McKinley . [11], In 1890, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act greatly increased government purchases of silver. That will give you criticisms. My God!"[70][71][73]. Cross of Gold speech, classic of American political oratory delivered on July 8, 1896, by William Jennings Bryan in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during the campaign for the presidential election of 1896. With the powerful words he used, Bryan showed his support to the Populists. W.J. Historian Stanley Jones, in his study of the 1896 election, suggests that western Democrats would have opposed Cleveland even if the party had held its congressional majority in 1894; with the disastrous defeat, they believed the party would be wiped out in the West if it did not support silver. Hear William Jennings Bryan deliver his Cross of Gold speech at the Democratic National Convention, William Jennings Bryan: presidential campaign poster, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/event/Cross-of-Gold-speech, The Library of Congress - "Cross of Gold" Speech, Public Broadcasting Service - Cross of Gold Speech. [1] Bryan's address helped catapult him to the Democratic Party's presidential nomination and is considered one of the greatest political speeches in American history. Will it choose blessings or cursingslife or deathwhich? The Cross of Gold speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representative from Nebraska, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on July 9, 1896. Pursuant to this promise, government gold reserves dwindled over the following three years. Thus has the contest been waged, and we have assembled here under as binding and solemn instructions as were ever fastened upon the representatives of a people. The miners who go 1,000 feet into the earth or climb 2,000 feet upon the cliffs and bring forth from their hiding places the precious metals to be poured in the channels of trade are as much businessmen as the few financial magnates who in a backroom corner the money of the world. bimetallism), which he believed would bring the nation prosperity. [21] He traveled widely, speaking to audiences across the nation. [2] On April 2, 1792, Congress passed the Mint Act of 1792. Both of these movements helped to create the People's Party, or the Populist Party, which officially established its party platform in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 4, 1892. One of the first candidates to appear widely on his own behalf, he was the original whistle-stop campaigner. It was clear to listeners as he worked his way through the comparisons that he would refer to the farmer, and when he did, the hall exploded with sound. At the time, Bryan was a former member of Congress from Nebraska who had been working tirelessly to build support for his candidacy. Out of all of the prominent business figures that arose during the Gilded Age, Andrew Carnegie is perhaps viewed in the most positive light. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. [75] The lengthy passage as he discussed the platform and the Republicans helped calm the audience, ensuring he would be heard as he reached his peroration. A. We come to speak for this broader class of businessmen. Not only that, but as he listens he can hear with ever increasing distinctness the sound of the waves as they beat upon the lonely shores of St. Helena. The majority of cartoons are from the 1908 campaigan, but there cartoons that feature 1920 election and Bryan's borther Charles Bryan. [52] Although Tillman endorsed silver, his address was so laced with sectionalism that most silver delegates remained silent for fear of being seen as supporting him. The President's move was opposed by the Democratic Governor of Illinois, John Altgeld. Some people, for the most part Democrats, joined the far-left Populist Party. "[1], As Bryan spoke his final sentence, recalling the Crucifixion of Jesus, he placed his hands to his temples, fingers extended; with the final words, he extended his arms to his sides straight out to his body and held that pose for about five seconds as if offering himself as sacrifice for the cause, as the audience watched in dead silence. The galleries were filled with white as spectators waved handkerchiefs, and it was several minutes before he could continue. The new unit of currency was defined to be equal to 24.75 grains (1.604g) of gold, or alternatively, 371.25 grains (24.057g) of silver, establishing a ratio of value between gold and silver of 15:1. We care not upon which issue they force the fight. They could only beg them to spare the party the humiliation of broken traditions and the overthrowing of established control. Gold and silver factions in some states, such as Bryan's Nebraska, sent rival delegations to the convention. 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