b. Updating of the COSAL is accomplished utilizing the OPNAV 4790/CK Configuration Change Form. 0101.4 State the purpose of the following battle organization elements: a. This is accomplished by employment of: 0311.4 Explain the following types of ECM which may be employed by enemy against your ship: (1) Electronic jamming may be classified as self-screening or stand-off jamming. (3) Rudder Angle Indicator - Dual purpose. General Announcing System (1MC) - Primary ship-wide communications. o. m. Easing out line - A length of line that is secured at one end, with a bight thrown over the hook on the hose and run back to a cleat, allowing the hose to be gently retrieved. Ship Control is under the immediate direction of the OOD who is located on the bridge. Without it, death will most likely occur in 8 to 12 days. g. EW Information Board - Displays equipment emission control conditions (EMCON), radar guard in use, anticipated intercepts, identified radiations and intercepted emissions. The casting is divided into two parts. Oil from the opposite end of the cylinder is returned to the suction side of the main hydraulic pump in the power unit. There is always one BM there to knock it loose, and another to pull him away by means of a safety line when the chain starts feeding out. (8) Shaft Tachometer - Indicates shaft RPM. 0329.5 Explain the special handling and storage requirements for calcium hypochlorite. (1) The National Stock Number (NSN) for an item of supply consists of a four digit Federal Supply Classification (FSC - Group and Class), and a nine digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). f. White Phosphorous (WP) - Smoke projectiles contain tubes of white phosphorous (WP) which are scattered and burst by a small black-powder charge. (2) Category B - Technical in nature. The MOVREP system provides the World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) with ship location information. There are two categories of FBRs: (1) Category A - Non-technical in nature and is intended to meet PMS needs which do not require technical review, order replacement MIPs/MRCs only. Additionally, they will be directed to wash with soap and water prior to leaving the area. w. End fitting - Any one of numerous fittings used for rig conversion. g. DRT/NC-2 - A DRT (dead reckoning tracer) plotter is indispensable when a man overboard situation occurs. The chain is stopped completely by applying the brake to prevent the chain from piling on top of the anchor. Located on the upper level of the fireroom. The distribution center includes the ships service distribution system, emergency distribution system and the casualty power distribution system. Naval Balance of the ship must be coordinated with the Chief Engineer. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); 0203.3 Describe the duties of the following replenishment personnel, and their hard-hat/vest color: a. Acids and alkalies shall be used cautiously and in accordance with safety procedures. e. Beam of Ship - 273 ft. on the flight deck, and 128 ft. 2 in. The lower dial indicates the apparent wind speed (true wind speed when the ship is stationary). In attempts to improve damage control and ship survivability, the updated program will add more prerequisite PQS, including the following: Damage Control 301-312. b. d. Hangfire/Misfire Procedures - Accidental delayed ignition of primer, igniter, or propelling charge. (i.e. aa. Designed to allow improved maneuvering ability and to allow the propellers to develop maximum thrust at any given engine RPM. b. c. The Engine Room to the Gas Turbine Engine - The engine is in local control from the Local Control Station. 0326.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components of the main propulsion clutch/brake: a. Use waterless handcleaner for skin cleanup. Assists the Evaluator by making recommendations for tactics. Methods of presenting target and operating displays associated with the system - See 0308.1 in ASW section. d. Post Mine Watches - Extra lookouts are posted to decrease the area searched by each watch and increase the probability of sighting a mine field. g. Fuel Oil/Lube Oil Strainer Shields - Prevent oil from spraying about, which decreases the possibility of fire. A Cancellation CASREP shall be submitted upon the commencement of the availability period during which the casualty will be corrected. It may result in steam burns or heat exhaustion. Refer to chart. d. Light Airborne Multi-purpose System (LAMPS) - Designed to extend and enhance the capabilities of surface ships and increase effective operational range for the weapon systems fitted in surface vessels of the U.S. fleet. (11) Auto Pilot - Device used to automatically keep the ship at a predetermined speed and course. Ship's Control Console (SCC) - Provides for remote control of the gas turbine engine. 0303.4 Discuss the following factors relating to forces affecting the ship and describe the influence of each upon shiphandling. There are two types of magnetism that affect the ship. It converts mechanical energy to rotational energy via piston crankshaft connections. Limited to the speed in which cargo can be struck down to ensure safe operations. Provides a method of transmitting small changes in speed to the throttle stations. e. Damage Control - located in a central control station, responsible for maintaining an up to the minute picture of sustained damage, repair party action, etc. Manual is used for bombarding slower moving shore targets in minimum threat environments, or during power outages or maintenance periods; control is by handwheel. POWER FROM. Pumps - Provide power to steering by automatic or manual means. b. This valve will shut automatically to secure air to non-vital components when air pressure drops to a specified point and reopen when the system pressure increases above the set point. Generally located in the fire control room below the main deck. Forward of the breech end is an enlarged chamber that holds the propelling charge. 0319.1 Explain the function of the basic steam cycle. 0305.5 Discuss the safety precautions applicable to the following: a. Generally is the senior enlisted in the division. The Kitty Hawk uses 14 lines of doublebraided samson, 8 inch for the bow and afterquarter and 6 inch for the breast lines. f. Entering Closed Spaces - DO NOT ENTER until applicable safety regulations have been complied with, e. g. gas free check and oxygen safe check. Friction Clutch - Engage the driving unit to the drive by applying force-producing friction which can be obtained either by mechanically jamming the friction surfaces together by some toggle-action linkage, or through stiff springs (coil, flat disk or leaf). Permits casting off one ship without removing both lines. (a) Flood Tide - That period when a tidal current is flowing landward. Determined by wind and sea conditions and set by the Delivery ship. These cookies do not store any personal information. USS Mars. With the ship dead in the water, the ship pivots about a point 30 percent of the distance from the bow to the stern. To generate steam, it is necessary to heat water and then add more heat to convert boiling water to steam. The PQS (which will have pre-reqs) is available through MyNavy Portal. The program consists of 5 parts: a. sound level measurements and analysis with posting of caution signs and levels. (1) Mooring Lines - Assist in securing the ship along side. Diesel powered generators are used on ships to provide normal/emergency electric power. t. Cargo drop reel - Device that lowers the load from the tensioned highline allowing the STREAM rigs to be used by ships having only fixed padeyes, a pendant station or support legs. ENGINEERING LOGS AND DOCUMENTATION. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. AVIATION OPERATIONS ON SURFACE SHIPS. h. Debarkation Control - the entry and exiting of personnel from designated stations. Chaff is metallic strips which are packed in units of various lengths and quantities, with each unit applicable to a given frequency. Stand - Portion of mount firmly attached to the ship's superstructure and contains the roller bearings upon which the mount rotates. k. Standby station - On your side of approach 300 to 500 yards astern. (c) Slack Water - That period between the Ebb Tide and Flood Tide when the current changes direction and no horizontal motion can be detected. This allows for rapid shifting from the on-service pumping unit to the standby unit and is located between the trick wheels. Danger Tag is red, prohibiting operations of equipment that could jeopardize safety of personnel or endanger equipment, systems, or components. The resulting combustion releases gasses and increases the temperature within the combustion chamber. Under no circumstances will equipment be operated or removed when tagged with Danger Tags. (g) Make frequent inspections in company when practicable, with subordinates concerned; and take such remedial action to correct defects as appears necessary. (e) Ensure that all prescribed or necessary security measures and safety precautions are strictly observed by all persons within the department and by others who may be concerned with matters under his control. 0101.6 Describe your ship's underway watch organization. d. Breakdown - Flag #5 or 2 black balls, the vessel is having engine or steering difficulty. f. Inport Equipment Monitor - Monitors all support services (hotel load) being supplied from an external source. Facebook, MAPA DEL SITIO HAZ CLICK AQUI PARA CONOCER LA PAGINA. d. Policing a flight deck and surrounding area to elimi. j. (7) Steerageway - Sufficient speed on to permit a vessel to be maneuvered. Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR), released an updated Navy Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) program instruction, Nov. 16. by bacoker@gmail.com, Aug 2008. 0202.2 Discuss the effects of the following engineering casualties on the control of the ship: a. d. Searchlights - Activated during nighttime operations to aid the recovery team. To insure no infectious diseases will be transfered, personnel who handle sewage hoses will not subsequently handle potable water hoses without first washing and changing into clean clothes. c. Weather - Since water is a very good reflecting material, microwave radars are very effective in detecting storm clouds and rain squalls, and large storms may completely clutter a radar scope. (b) Stand-off is used to support or screen units (ships or aircraft) that are potential targets to enemy electronic detection devices when the platform is not the immediate target. Turning Radius at Standard and Full Rudder - 15 degrees standard, and 30 degrees full. h. Snatch block - A single sheave block with a hinged strap that can be opened and the bight of a line inserted. CEILING l. Modified Main (steaming combination) - Ready to answer bells in 15 minutes, boilers are lit off and main engine is jacking over. The operation of an internal combustion engine of the reciprocating type involves the admission of a fuel and air mixture into a combustion chamber and the compression and ignition of the fuel/air charge. 0323.2 Describe the functions and locations of the following major components: a. q. Thermocouple Harness - Allows for connection/disconnection to facilitate accessibility in repair or replacement. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. H-53 helicopters are used to perform the towing. d. Spring Lay - A rope in which each strand consists partly of wire and partly of fiber. Generally located near the bridge. (10) Gyrocompass - Points constantly to the true rather than the magnetic north pole. In case of an accidental spillage of aircraft fuels or other combustible liquids they must be removed immediately by washing with water, covering with a foam blanket, or neutralized by other means to prevent igniting. Reach Rod - A length of pipe or stock used as an extension on valve stems. Located the same as the generators. The FI-QI coil currents change with changes in heading and latitude. b. Crescent Davits - Used in all classes of naval ships. Observe standard safety precautions, keep dust to a minimum, wear approved respirators when exposed to dust, and maintain good housekeeping at all times. Condition V - Not normally a condition, IN-PORT ROUTINE. In taking station in formation, using speeds in excess of that of the guide, 100 yards relative distance from station per knot of excess speed should be allowed using normal deceleration. Used to tie down loose gear in the hanger and the shops. The minimum length of a whip is 450 feet and is used for heaving in or slacking off. There is a permanent graph at the helm which gives the RPMs to speed conversion. These JSNs shall be in sequential order. 0107.1 Discuss how repair parts and the consumable items are ordered from the supply department, including the following: a. d. Jacking Over Main Reduction Gears, Shafting and Propellers - Mechanically rotating at very low speed by the shaft turning gear. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dental Clutch - Engage the driving unit to the driven and drive units by a flexible coupling assembly consisting of a set of internal/external gear teeth, that compensate for any misalignment between the two. b. (3) The number of man-hours expended in correcting the casualty. c. Weapons Control - Provides centralized coordination and monitoring of missile systems and gun batteries. THE The slide cylinder area is a bearing surface on the slide during recoil and counter recoil. e. Emergency Bills - provide and organize prescribed procedures and assign responsibilities for controlling the effects of a major emergency or disaster suffered by the ship. f. Condensate Pump - Takes a suction from the main condenser and delivers the condensate through the main air ejector condenser to the de-aerating feed tank. Enter the water the same as in item a. d. MK-1 Lifejackets - slide arms through armholes and snap in front. Located between the line shaft and any space through which it passes, i.e. Obviously, this will vary with each class of ship, as well as ship to ship. The higher the salt content of the water, the better sound is transmitted through water. f. Propeller Blades - The devices attached to the hub which when the pitch is changed, produces more or less thrust to propel the ship according to present needs. e. Engine Order Telegraph - Transmits the desire engine orders from the pilot house, open bridge or secondary conn to the enginerooms, firerooms and superheat operator stations. Under normal conditions Kitty Hawk tends to heel more to starboard on port turns, than to port and starboard turns. 0204.7 Describe the action to be taken if either food or potable water is suspected of being contaminated by sewage. 345_ f. Connecting Rods - The connecting link between the piston and crankshaft or the crankshaft and the crosshead of an engine. Pressure (PUSU) - Pressure up, speed up. Most common method of recovery. In general, a flag hoist signal ensures a more uniform execution of a maneuver than does any other visual signaling system. There are three types of chocks: closed, open and roller. Television Optical System - Located topside. Through the use of high-speed computers, managers are able to collectively gather data concerning the history necessary to maintain and support units dispersed throughout the world. 110 db or more. Located in forward and after engineroom. devices in assisting the OOD to perform shiphandling duties: a. Stadimeter - Measures the distance of an object of known height, such as the masthead light, between heights of 50-200 feet at distances of 200-10,000 yard. The system is designed to protect carriers and other major ships against cruise missiles and other intruders by developing an electronic "image" of the target ship as it is sensed by the enemy's guidance radar. d. Detection and Tracking Supervisor (D&T) - Supervised the complete air picture, including air search operators, trackers, and 3-D (bearing, range, height) operator; coordinates the transfer of detected targets to tracking operators; and supervises the use of ECCM features as directed by the EW officer or Evaluator/TAO. 0319.2 Draw a simple schematic of this system from memory using appropriate symbols and showing major components. This gives the vital air first priority on all air in low pressure system. Reduction gears are equipped with a security lock to prevent sabotage. On the control ship means - "I have temporarily stopped supplying". However, the magnitude of some of these factors and therefore the forehandedness required of the Conning Officer, is somewhat greater than a smaller ship. c. Control Section - Two basic functions: (1) Keeps the missile in stable flight, (2) Translates the commands of the guidance system into motion of the control surfaces. l. Safety Links - Metal links designed to hold the gun in the battery when counter-recoil system fails or is deactivated. Swing Circle - The ship swings to the combined effects of the wind and currents. Blue lights are used to show the contour of the delivery ship and 6 red lights are displayed in a horizontal line along the deck edge or on a level with the highest obstruction outboard of the receiving stations landing or work area. Located aft of the compressor section. Kitty Hawk's emergency diesels power General Electric 450 volt, 1000 KW, 1700 amp, 3 Phase, 60 cycle, AC generators. 0320 and/or pump and providing for h. Jammed throttle - Loss of speed control and maneuverability. c. Using Varnish Remover - Ensure space ventilation, eye and breathing protection, and keep off skin. Some of the reasons for maintaining the navigational plot are: - to warn the bridge the moment the ship begins to stand into danger, - to supply radar information on short notice to the navi- gator and conning officer, - to facilitate identification of enemy targets, - to provide gun ranges and bearings for indirect fire shore bombardment, - to assist in directing boat waves during landing opera tions, - to navigate the ship from radar formation, - to assist in making landfalls and identify land masses, - to assist landing ships and craft on beach approach. With the director mounted as high as practical aboard ship, the line of sight is raised high above the gun position. Kitty Hawk uses five evaporators to make freshwater which produce 70,000 gallons per day in units 1, 2, 3 and 4, and produces 100,000 gallons per day in unit number 5 for a total of 380,000 gpd. Chain Size and Length - 4-3/4 inches indiameter, and are the largest made. The gyrocompass will transmit to remotely located indicators electrical data representing the ship's heading, and ship's roll and pitch information. Card Column 60-61, PRIORITY - numeric code assigned by the requisitioner to indicate the mission of the requisitioner and the urgency of need for the material. Located near the distilling plant or pumps. Strategic Plot - A large area true display showing position, movement and strength of own and enemy sea, land, and air forces within a prescribed area of operations. // Attach listener to FB comments Alongside It has a simple flip up sight. (1) Wind - Normally acts to force the ship bodily downwind. (1) Long range sonar designed to use direct, bottom reflected and convergence zone acoustic propagation paths where they occur in the oceans to achieve maximum effectiveness. Non-NTDS ships are linked to NTDS ships via Link 14, which is a teletype broadcast of NTDS and non-NTDS tracks which can be received by any unit with teletype receiving capabilities. f. Work Center Supervisor - Leads a maintenance or work group. i. Inflatable Shaft Seal - Makes possible the removal and reinstallation of parts without dismantling the shaft or shaft coupling. j. Missile length: with booster - 4.58 meters, without booster - 3.84 meters. During normal steering situations, it shows the actual angle of the rudder which usually lags the wheel angle indicator by about 2 degrees because of the time required for the steering mechanism to operate. These are similar systems with similar theory, that is, to provide an alternate target diversion for an enemy acoustic homing torpedo by stringing on cable a "noise maker", aft of the ship, which has the capability of producing a greater noise than the ship; thereby diverting the incoming torpedo from the ship to the "fish". b. (i.e. Objects that appear to be "dead ahead" are in reality well to starboard; while those that appear to be about 10 degrees to port are actually dead ahead. b. It is the effective management of all electromagnetic and electro-acoustic emissions of a force or unit to obtain the maximum tactical advantage. THROTTLES AND MAIN OPERATING STATION. Survival Gear - packed in a nylon bag with food and water for 25 men for 5 days. Card Column 65-66, ADVICE - provides specific instructions or required information to the supplier. Used during high line operations. 210_ d. Firing Cutout Cams - A device that protects own ship's structure from being fired on by its own weapon. Con tecnologa de, Insignias | Monitors communications (internal and external) and assumes the duties of Evaluator/TAO when directed by higher authority. Figure 8 the line 3 or 4 times and secure with a half-hitch. Chaff is produced in many different forms. SHIP'S SERVICE 60-HZ ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. When any electrical equipment is to be overhauled or repaired, the main supply switches, cutout switches, or breakers in each circuit from which power could possibly be fed should be secured in the open position and tagged. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { f. Mine Countermeasures - Until 1971, all minesweeping was conducted by wooden-hulled boats and ships that steamed through suspected mined areas and trailed special minesweeping gear. Also used for navigation and mine detection. h. Propeller - Located at the end of the shaft, it is where the mechanical energy produced by the main engines is utilized for movement of the ship. Shipboard lights are constant and land based lights are pulsating. 0316.9 Describe the hazards of fuel oil or lube oil in bilges. when work dictates that a person rest his weight against a safety rail, he shall secure his safety harness to a rigid structure other than the safety rail or its structures. This information is essential to allow operational and staff authorities to apply resources at the proper priority. Primary purpose is for control of the generators and distribution of power to load centers, vital equipment and major semi-vital equipment. There are only two in the fleet. Loss of vacuum - Necessarily limits speed. b. When the boat is lowered and the falls slacken, the weight comes off of the hook and the hoisting eye is thrown clear. (m) Anticipate the personnel and material needs of the department, and submit timely requests to fulfill requirements. This may set off electrically initiated ordnance, or when discharged, draw an arc sufficient to combustible materials. I read that coast guard can earn this pin but can't find instructions on it. Despite the name, the ROBB coupling does not qualify as a quick release device because uncoupling is virtually impossible when the fitting is under strain. d. Ship's Inertial Navigation System (SINS) Equipment - Continuously computes the ship's latitude and longitude. Breast Line - A line that leads to a right angle to the centerline of the ship and controls the distance from the pier. The following tasks must be performed: the windlass is tested, the anchor in the hawse is freed, the anchor is walked out if anchoring in deep water or, if the bottom is rocky, the brake is set, and the wildcat is disengaged. (f) Prepare and promulgate, as appropriate, a daily schedule of employment and such other advance schedules as may serve to aid subordinates in planning their work. Kitty Hawk's are located on the sponsons. d. Shaft - A long rotating metal rod leading from the ship's engines aft through the hull connecting with the screw. Example: If flooding occurred and water entered the phone jack, vital communications would be lost and the ships fighting ability would be hampered. The new ESWS program comes after similar re-writes of both the Enlisted Information Warfare Specialist and the Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist qualifications that were aimed at promoting the same cultural shifts. g. Flight Deck Compound - Special nonskid coating. (n) Contribute to the coordination of effort of the entire command by appropriate cooperation with other heads of departments. CONTROLLABLE-REVERSIBLE PITCH PROPELLER (CRP). If at all possible, the system should be secured completely and a man posted at the valve to ensure no-one tampers with it while work is in progress. Over-speed trips are normally set to trip out at approximately 110% of normal operating speed. In 1971 the helicopter came into use as a minesweeping platform, which resulted in an increase in the speed of sweeping an area and a decrease in the danger. The air action mode includes three sub-modes; the air action radar, air action visual and air action radar/visual. d. Breaking Characteristics - Synthetic line has a higher breaking strength than natural fiber. All existing and most contemplated variants of the original missile can be made in either medium range (MR) or extended range (ER) versions. Also has some navigational equipment. A brief explanation of the operating modes of the major systems is provided. When oil pressure is applied to one end of the operating cylinder, the ram will move causing each rudder to move along with it. f. Prep hauled down - Means all lines are clear. Part 3 will tell how many are to be on board and how many are allotted to each department. Color coded YELLOW and shaped like a STAR. The gun is capable of automatic and semi-automatic fire. Up, speed up to trip out at approximately 110 % of normal operating speed danger Tag is,... In all classes of naval ships combustible materials and increases the temperature the... Contaminated by sewage system and the casualty Describe the action to be taken if food... 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