Prefix | \nWhat It Means | \n
Hemi- | \nHalf | \n
Pachy- | \nThick | \n
Para- | \nBeyond, around, beside | \n
Polio- | \nGray | \n
Quadri- | \nFour | \n
Sub- | \nBelow, under | \n
Suffix | \nWhat It Means | \n
-algia | \nPain | \n
-itis | \nInflammation | \n
-malacia | \nSoftening | \n
-paresis | \nPartial paralysis | \n
-plegia | \nParalysis | \n
-schisis | \nCleft or splitting | \n
-thenia | \nLack of strength or weakness | \n
-us | \nCondition | \n
Now, check out nervous root words and their combining forms.
\nRoot Word | \nWhat It Means | \n
Algesi/o | \nExcessive sensitivity to pain | \n
Cephal/o | \nHead | \n
Cerebell/o | \nCerebellum | \n
Cerebr/o | \nBrain, cerebrum | \n
Crani/o | \nCranium (skull) | \n
Dur/o | \nDura mater | \n
Ech/o | \nSound | \n
Encephal/o | \nBrain | \n
Esthesi/o | \nFeeling, nervous, sensation | \n
Gli/o | \nGlue, supportive tissues of the nervous system | \n
Kinesi/o | \nMovement | \n
Mening/o | \nMembrane | \n
Meningi/o | \nMeninges | \n
Ment/o, phren/o | \nMind | \n
Myel/o | \nSpinal cord | \n
My/o | \nMuscle | \n
Neur/o | \nNerve | \n
Phas/o | \nSpeech | \n
Pont/o | \nPons | \n
Psych/o | \nMind | \n
Radicul/o | \nNerve root | \n
Thalam/o | \nThalamus | \n
Ventricul/o | \nVentricle | \n
Here it is: The potpourri, the mish-mash, the great melting pot of nervous system terms. It is commonly used to indicate a skin disorder such as in scleroderma (extreme hardness of skin) and xenoderma (extremely dry skin). ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}}],"_links":{"self":""}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"
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